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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. Cue the "if my guy loses I'm moving to Alpha Centauri" statements in 3...2...

  2. USC are wearing camouflage? WTF? Do they want to be eaten by Les Miles?

  3. So when does @SullyPanic go apeshit?

  4. Guess Shep off libs Xmas card list now MT @VodkaPundit Just turned on Fox and Shep is going apeshit over embassy security and #Benghazigate

  5. Arguably smaller than gov't built/run transport infrastructure. MT @TheAlexKnapp Is eminent domain for private companies small gov't?

  6. I'm told Sully is ridiculously overreacting to something that happened today. So, it's basically just like every other day after mid-2004.

  7. Unskewed: +36 Chávez. RT @WinthropPoll @TheFix SIREN: New Pew poll shows Romney 49%, Obama 45% among likely voters. http://t.co/FpwgGRpB

  8. And so Walmartbank begins... MT @WalmartNewsroom JUST IN: #Walmart & @AmericanExpress launch Bluebird http://t.co/7mPTugUZ #news

  9. Well, that was an Orgeronesque performance to close out the game on both sides of the ball. Ugh.

  10. Holy crap... are the Rebels actually GOOD?

  11. Pitch Perfect w/@AnnaKendrick47 is a fun flick; go and see it.

  12. People are watching this shit? Ugh. #badamericanist

  13. Proletarian hero! MT @OliverKamm Scargill at High Court to demand Mineworkers pay rent on his Barbican flat for life: http://t.co/O75bOXfR

  14. So, who's coding the House contingent election calculator map?

  15. RF engineering in Atlanta is far more complex than in Houston... Houston doesn't really have any hills to speak of.
  16. Doug Mataconis (@dmataconis) says "There Is No Libertarian Case For Mitt Romney." He's right. http://t.co/nzNBmbeJ

  17. Red State's @EWErickson calling for expanding corporate welfare on the Bibb County taxpayer's dime? Say it ain't so! http://t.co/5rVuR4g3

  18. Exhibit "A" in the case against part-time legislators: Tx Sen Wendy Davis' apparent sham law firm-within-a-firm - http://t.co/84ktuAjZ

  19. Alabama just got hotter in late September. RT @KarenGillan2 sweet home alabama....i'm gonna love it here.

  20. Free advice: you can't complain that global warming denial is "antiscience" if you also support GMO labeling or bans.

  21. UNT-Dallas plans to suck out loud, bottom-feed by competing with Phoenix. http://t.co/OafTfQay

  22. Other 4% "manipulated" tax to avoid. MT @laura11D 96% of Americans have relied on government at one time or another. http://t.co/aacPs3iy

  23. Pretty sure that's illegal. Or at least kinky. MT @owillis Rachel Maddow Beats Hannity For A Week http://t.co/E4fk4lGB

  24. Yay single payer. MT @BBCWorld Valencia's pharmacies run out of drugs as government runs out of cash http://t.co/vQI2uOhU

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