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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. .@GregWeeksUNCC @whinecough OTOH if you need 2-3 pubs to get a tenure track job these days, might be better to be ABD instead of VAP/adj

  2. Good news: CNN thinks it's scored an exclusive interview with President Romney.

  3. Senators respond to their geographic and reelection constituencies, not national public opinion. Shocking, I know. http://t.co/zy4P1O9lXw

  4. Photo: I just unlocked the Psych: Right Turn or Left for Dead sticker on GetGlue 3674 others have also... http://t.co/wYxvutloNl

  5. Bet Biden wishes he'd gone to Maggie's funeral today after all. He could have finally met Lord Kinnock and apologized too.

  6. Doesn't he have a funeral to be at? RT @dmataconis Biden presiding over the Senate for the Manchin/Toomey vote

  7. Probably will be lost in today's events, but #Defiance was pleasant-surprisingly good.

  8. Something to brighten your mood today: @AnnaKendrick47's video for "Cups" (song from Pitch Perfect): http://t.co/mZqLEoE8xh

  9. If Charlie Ergen buys @sprint I'll eat whatever ETF I need to get away from him running my cell co.

  10. My understanding is that in the border zones (at least where the agreements are finalized) Sprint can use all of its ESMR spectrum, but there are strict bleed-over limits on US-side use of the spectrum that's allocated to Mexico and Canada, so it will take some extra RF engineering to utilize all of ESMR; it wouldn't surprise me if Sprint had to put separate directional antennas up for ESMR, for example, in these areas. They may be able to squeeze in 1X easier since the bleed-over limits on US-priority parts of the ESMR spectrum are easier to meet.
  11. ProTip: if faking election results, iterate phony data until no evidence Benford's Law was violated. #Venezuela?

  12. State fans marry? Yikes! RT @darrenrovell The best stadium groom’s cake I have ever seen http://t.co/Ck1ilVASgQ (via @JBoydMSU, @Okrastar1)

  13. Nice to meet @drbekafigo IRL today along with @the_other_jeff and briefly @MsKlimowich and @joeura.

  14. In other news, Stanford University and Samford University are different schools. http://t.co/ZuwZcdGN4Q

  15. Someone needs to tell these guys to go and drive somewhere that's purple in Sensorly to test LTE. Particularly someone in the SF market, where there's plenty of LTE about to be found...
  16. Sensorly can be slow to update at times; you may also need to zoom in and out of the area for the map tile cache to update. Also, it's possible your info didn't upload right away; if you have a large number of "messages to send" on the Details screen, Sensorly's data collection may have been down.
  17. Iraqi information minister says 1000s of off the wall things, gets a few right, is deemed "prescient"; meets criteria for @nytimes column.

  18. Love @maggielawson's new do on @Psych_USA! Very cute.

  19. Utah is a later-round market. Certainly it will get NV, along with every other "native" Sprint market (the affiliates are a bit more up in the air), but "when" is not clear yet. There's no official word but pretty much every market should be well underway by end of 2013 and most will be underway sooner, including Utah. On Utah specifically, another member has dug up some info on building permits in Salt Lake County that's available to sponsors at http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3353-utah-nv-build-permit-map/ So while I can't really say what the member has found in exact terms, I will say that it is clear that Sprint's contractors are already active in the market doing some site work; that doesn't however mean that backhaul's in place or that new antennas are installed yet (it could be cabinets or electrical feed or any one of the other parts of the site upgrade that has to come together).
  20. I have family there... in fact when I was last in town last month my mom's house was just on the fringe of LTE coverage (sometimes I could get it in the driveway, but usually it cut out just as I turned onto her street). I'm also responsible for the Sensorly smudges northeast of Olive Branch/southwest of Collierville, due to the tower out near Forest Hill-Irene & Shelby Drive, I think.
  21. As always when a PPP robopoll is in the news, I wonder if any actual adult humans listened to and responded to the questions.

  22. That Shores tower is where my phone parks when I'm in Ocala visiting family, so it'll be nice. At least he has Comcast broadband now; being at the fringe of EVDO on my Virgin Mobile 3G stick was no fun when I used to visit back in the day.
  23. Considered constructing some elaborate AFD tale tying together Webber saga: Michigan's 1993 NCAA-nonappearance plus NBA fix of Kings-Lakers.

  24. FYI, there's another tower further southeast on Maricamp by Lake Weir High School that covers the older part of the Shores. As for when they'll be upgraded, your guess is as good as mine; backhaul may be more of an issue in the Shores since the cable plant is Comcast rather than Cox, and Embarq has never put much effort into good DSL coverage out that way.
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