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Posts posted by bobbi

  1. Thanks for the reply.


    Follow up question... In the Chicago case study it states "What was referred to as the Kankakee FIT was really a 3G-only Network Vision FIT. Many news outlets reported these as including 4G LTE because it was assumed all Network Vision towers had LTE."


    So not all towers are going to be upgraded to include LTE with the Network Vision upgrades?

  2. I've a bunch of Network Vision articles here and elsewhere, but I still don't understand the full scope of Network Vision. I understand the metro roll outs. It makes sense to cover high density population areas over those less dense. But I don't understand their plans for the the outskirts of the metro areas and the rural areas.


    Is it Sprint's intention as part of Network Vision to upgrade all its towers that it doesn't decommission? Will there still be some towers without upgrades when Network Vision is officially wrapped up?

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