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Posts posted by Galaxyguy

  1. Just bought the S6 Edge and having the screen rotation problem that many owners are having. Not really happy about this since I am on a SWAC account and there are no corporate stores within a 2 hour radius.

    I have no idea what a SWAC account is but you should be able to exchange it where you bought it.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  2. The pricing definitely could have been better. The only real advantage is being able to leverage two networks, which hopefully improves speed and coverage for the user. I'll be interested in hearing real-world results once people start using it.


    Sent from my Note 4.

    • Like 1
  3. Yea did a quick Google search... nothing.


    Native simultaneous v&d is a must have for work.


    Thanks for the reply.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

    You could get a cheap wifi hotspot to use when you're on calls. You could also integrate Google voice with your sprint number and make and receive calls from Hangouts. The latter is a free option and it works fairly well. It would be worth a try if it's absolutely needed.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  4. Any word on VoLTE for the Note 5?


    Sent from my SM-N910T

    It probably depends if Sprint is ready for it by then. Sprint has not been very vocal about their plans. If and when it does become available, I hope it's something in the settings that can be toggled on or off. 1x800 is just so good that I'm sure in some places it would be better (in terms of coverage area) than VoLTE.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  5. Has anyone tried the wireless charging back with the new Samsung wireless charger? I have that setup, just seeing if any others are having the same experience that I am.


    The charger has a dim blue led light when it's charging. The led turns green with my wife's S6 once it's fully charged. On my Note 4, it just stays blue even after it's fully charged.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  6. Yes, well aware. I know another person mentioned having the same issue. But is there anyone that can say they are not getting dropped calls?

    My wife has not had any dropped calls yet, although she's only had the phone 2 days now. She also works very close to our house though and is almost always on the same tower both at work and at home. It seems like I saw in the Sprint forums that most people are complaining about dropped calls while they're driving, not necessarily while they're connected to one tower.


    As a side note, I thought it was funny that sprint care is telling people to put the phone into CDMA only mode. That seems to me that it would do nothing while on a call since it's connected to CDMA at that point.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  7. Just a reminder to everyone to give your phone about a week or so before you judge battery life. Most of us use a new phone much harder in the first week because of downloading and setting up apps and playing with new features. After about a week, you are probably more likely to be at your "normal" usage pattern.


    I was actually pretty impressed when I asked my wife if she had charged her S6 at all yesterday, her first full day with the phone. She had not charged it all day and she was at 1% at 11pm right before she plugged it in to go to bed.


    She usually would go through 1 and a half batteries on her S4 by bedtime. So even with my caution about not judging battery life too quickly, I am initially pretty impressed.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  8. The horse has been beaten long ago but it won't be until VoLTE comes along. You can also use the various other services to make calls over data, such as Facebook messenger and hangouts. That's the only way around it right now. Trust me, the vastly improved data experience over single band phones will be worth it.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  9. Have you hard reset the device and if you did, did that fix the screen rotation issue? I got my gold edge today and haven't turned it on yet just wanted to know if I should take the ota or not.

    I'm wondering the same. I just got my wife an S6 yesterday. I told her to hold off on the update. Anyone know whether or not we should update or hold off?


    Sent from my Note 4.

  10. I'm not sure the lease would be cheaper. With the contract, you pay $200, but couldn't you then sell the phone for at least $150 making it a $70 profit over the lease. That's assuming that the lease doesn't let you keep the phone, right?


    And then as far as the Best Buy part, if you lease it from them, do you still receive the $15 credit, or does the lease have to be directly through Sprint?

    From what I found, it can be done through Sprint or Best Buy to still get the credit but I will double check that.


    I see what you mean about selling it at the end. I had considered that but I was mainly looking at cash outlay (especially upfront) instead of factoring in a possible sale with a purchase.


    One interesting thing I found about the lease is that as long as I would continue leasing on that line, I will "forever" get a $15 per month credit, even if I lease a new phone. So, at the 24 month mark, I turn in the S6, lease a new phone, and still get the $15 credit.


    I'm not fully sold on the lease yet but it's something I'm seriously considering.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  11. I'm considering the lease option for my wife's line. She is almost due for a 2 year upgrade anyway but the 24 month lease will be cheaper than buying the phone ($120 - lease vs $200 - on contract) over the 24 month period. According to Sprint, I'm eligible for a $15 monthly credit for leasing the phone so it's effectively $5 per month.


    I know I can just walk into the Sprint store on Friday to get one but it appears Best Buy's promo with the free wireless charger is in effect through Saturday. Does anyone know if the free wireless charger will be given if I lease the phone instead of purchase it? Best Buy is a much farther drive for me but it would be worth it to get the free charger. Any help would be appreciated.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  12. The data experience is so bad with just the single band 25 I wouldn't blame them. Tri-band phones are way better. I'm not even in an official spark market (SE Mich) and it's definitely an improvement.


    Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk

    I'm in a dual-band market (no B41 yet) and it's really good here. I was just in the Philly market this past weekend and got to experience all three bands. It worked seamlessly, transitioning between all 3 bands without a hiccup. I was pretty impressed. There's still more work to do where I was, but I was impressed how far it's come along just since I was there last time (around Christmas).


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  13. It's funny how people say one provider is quicker at updating than another, when in reality, I think it's pretty random. It'll come when each provider thinks the software is stable and everything is working. I love reading the comments on the tech blogs when updates start rolling out and read all the complaints. :)


    Sent from my Note 4.

    • Like 1
  14. State College is in the same market you are, Western PA. York and Harrisburg are in the Shentel market. Scranton and Lancaster are in the Central PA market. Different markets get prioritized differently. As s4gru said, if you need 4G service, you should probably consider a different provider in the short term and then maybe consider coming back to Sprint when they finish the upgrades in your area.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  15. We have said this for a long time, but Sprint wiill not be adding LTE to the Erie area for a long time. Only brand new sites (like the new one in Edinboro) will be getting LTE in the foreseeable future. But there will not be many of these.


    It's possible Sprint may do GMO LTE in the Erie area. But if they do, it wouldn't be until the end of the year. And it is questionable about how well that would work. If you live in Erie and 3G is not cutting it, you should find another provider than Sprint. Erie and Sioux Falls, SD will be the last markets in the country to get LTE from Sprint.


    Using Moto X² on Tapatalk

    At least it will get done someday.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  16. I haven't noticed any such activity driving by some known locations. Interestingly, my phone seems to be better able to be on EVDO (rather than eHRPD which kills my data connection) when Mobile Networks is set to LTE/CDMA. Again, not sure if this reflects the new phone or network changes. Aaarrgh, too many variables! ;-)


    Sent from Tapatalk on my Tab 4

    Have you tried setting the phone to CDMA only to see if that helps?


    Sent from my Note 4.

  17. So, I appreciate the likes, but I'm seriously concerned about whether my new M9 is having connectivity issues. That's why I'm quite curious if others had noticed this.




    Sent from my Tapatalk 4.9.5

    Yes, I downgraded. :-D

    Have you gone to known ntelos towers in the area and see if any of them are down for maintenance?


    Sent from my Note 4.

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