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Posts posted by Galaxyguy

  1. You can now get a car charger online that is fast charge adaptable. Or you can get a car chargeer with wall charge units and use your home unit.

    I actually just bought a quick charge 2.0 car charger this week on Amazon. It's made by Aukey. It was around $17 so the price was pretty good too.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  2. I was trying to get into the stock recovery to clear the system cache. I must have hit volume down instead of up. My phone got so sluggish but it seems better now that I deleted the system cache again.


    It was taking me about 15 seconds to be able to answer a phone call. It would ring but nothing would come on the screen for what seemed like forever to be able to answer the call. If this doesn't fix it in the long run, I may need to do a wipe and start over again.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  3. Anybody know how to fix my error? I hit the wrong combination of buttons and ended up in a screen that I don't know how to get out of.


    At the top left of the screen, it says Odin mode (high speed) and I see a large android guy in the middle. It says downloading... Do not turn off target.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    I don't think it's downloading anything but I'm afraid to try to turn it off without somebody telling me if there's a specific way to do it without bricking my phone.

  4. No issues here.


    Sent from my SM-N910T

    Same. I haven't experienced GPS issues on any of the different versions of software. It locks within about 3 seconds of me turning it on. I usually leave it on power saving mode and just turn it on as needed.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  5. Sprint should just sell the market here to shentel, who I believe would want to have the same level of service they currently provide in their current service area. It would be an opportunity for shentel to expand (if they don't buy n-telos, which I know was rumored) and sprint would collect the royalty... which might be more than they get from having a 3G network that the few subscribers left are fleeing.

    If Shentel could afford 2 additional markets, that would make for a huge swath of Shentel-land. It's all happens to be contiguous too. I'm sure those who live, work, and go to school from State College to Erie would absolutely love for it to happen in the Western PA market.


    I was hoping Sprint would have at least upgraded the cities in the market by now. Maybe a sale or even just a straight up transfer to Shentel is what's needed to get that market going.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  6. How long does it usually take for Sprint to actually ship these routers? I ordered mine several days ago and haven't received word that it has shipped. The Sprint rep stated that Sprint would email when the order has been fulfilled.




    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    Mine shipped the next day. If they didn't copy your email address correctly, that could be a reason why you never got the shipment email. Call them tomorrow and see if it shipped.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  7. Abit confused, your saying that the second carrier is slow or that the network is slow in general.


    My guess is that your being parked on B26, and yes that has slowed down considerably. Its more of a lack of load balancing between bands.


    I also believe that peoples obsesion with signal strength bars has lead sprint to allow people to park on B26, just so that the device can display a higher signal strength without any actual benefits to performance.


    All device manufacturers should switch to a better way of displaying actual signal quality (like the nexus 6)and not just strength, personally I don't care whether its 1bar or 5bars as long as the network is performing well enough to get the task completed.


    Unfortunately, I'm in the minority.

    I've been noticing much better load balancing in my area. I've been pretty impressed with how each of the three carriers are pretty equal in speeds. I've been able to test all three carriers back to back between our phones. All are within 1 or 2 mbps of each other.


    Edit: For those not in our market, by 3 carriers, I mean both PCS (B25) carriers and the SMR (B26) carrier. Still no B41 that anybody has found yet.


    Sent from my Note 4.

    • Like 3
  8. Well, the last few trips I had to york...band 25 second carrier is well.....really slow, feel like it was a step back honestly...117mbmwl.png

    It could be that they haven't increased the backhaul yet. I would hope they wouldn't even add the second PCS carrier without doing so, but it's hard to tell.


    It has helped speeds in my area. The tower closest to my home, and most towers around me, now have three 5x5 carriers and speeds definitely bumped up since Shentel began doing so.


    Have you seen any 2nd carrier B25 in Lancaster yet? I realize it's central PA, but I'm curious if Sprint has activated it yet there.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  9. Looks like the site across the street from the LV Mall has finally gone live with LTE.

    Confirmed. Just went by there. I only latched onto B25 on the way by so I'm not sure if the other 2 bands are active there yet.


    I'm in Egypt (PA, not northern Africa) right now and I'm connected to a tower with all 3 bands live. It's good to see progress when I come visit this area.


    Sent from my Note 4.

  10. Nice to see you report some South Jersey B41. I have the same problem with a home tower not being upgraded from 3g but it's still nice to see some upgrading getting done in this area.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    We try to go there every year for at least a day. We really like the family atmosphere there. I didn't get there last year, but I was impressed at the difference 2 years made.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  11. Yeah. I wasn't paying attention to which tower it was but I did notice it a couple times. There's only 2 towers here so I guess at least 1 of them has it.


    Edit: I just connected to 800 again on the north end of the boardwalk so the more northern tower must have all 3 bands (it's not really a tower but antennas on a building). Not sure about the more southern tower.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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  12. I was last in Ocean City 2 years ago and had terrible roaming service on Verizon. I think they were replacing the equipment at the time. We came for the day today and all three bands are active here. What a difference!


    For the locals: Had to have some Manco's pizza while I was here. I wish someone could make pizza like that around where I live.


    Sent from my Note 4.

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