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Posts posted by jp1992

  1. I can't really do a battery life comparison on my phone because I have such crappy service here. I know that as of yesterday, my iPad had not been charged in almost 13 days and had about 25 hours of normal usage (web browsing mostly on medium brightness). I know the not being charged in 13 days is accurate, but 25 hours of usage plus 13 days of stand by makes me wonder.....If those stats are accurate, I am throughly impressed.

    I get about 15 hours of usage on my mini. It amazes me how long it lasts.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  2. My fiance just handed me her phone because of an update prompt. Looks like 7.1.2 just got pushed. I forgot to take a picture of her screen. Something for ibeacon, and a security fix for mail. Seems very minor.

    This update contains bug fixes and security updates, including:

    Improves iBeacon connectivity and stability

    Fixes a bug with data transfer for some 3rd party accessories, including bar code scanners

    Corrects an issue with data protection class of Mail attachments

    For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:




    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. What does a brown dot mean on the (San Diego) upgrade map?  I left Sprint for Tmo, but still come back to check the status of the upgrades near my house, and my work.  Both locations happen to be near brown dots on the map, which somehow equates to very bad Sprint service.  If you need an example you can check out the corner of Genesee and Balboa, or the corner of College Ave and Navajo Dr.

    Brown dots are towers that haven't been upgraded yet.  

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  4. I hate apple product rumors. Almost all of them where wrong for iOS 8 and Yosemite. If it doesn't support spark, Im staying with my iPhone 5s until the 6s.

    I think the iPhone 6 will support all bands because at the 5s event they bragged about how it supported the most bands of any other smartphone.
  5. Mac OS Yosemite has a lag switching between apps for me (pin wheel for 5-10 seconds nearly every time).


    I was about to install IOS 8 on my iPhone 5C then I heard about how buggy it is. I'm going to hold off on that unless its easy to return to 7.1.1


    I've heard its possible but has anyone returned to IOS 7.1.1 after having installed IOS 8? If its hacky and risky to go back I'll just wait until the betas become more stable.

    I returned back to 7.1.1 through iTunes the same way you restore your phone.

  6. That wouldn't happen under Katie Cotton's watch. If there were 'leaks,' they were controlled, and to the WSJ or another reputable source - not Gizmodo.

    I hadn't thought of that.  I think you are right, they wouldn't go to a small blog they would go to a large news organization to get them closer to the shareholders.

  7. Looks like a WISP has set up shop on the tower.

    I looked up WISP on Wikipedia and got a good laugh.


    " WiMax is expected to become mainstream in the near future, bringing with it dramatic changes to the marketplace by increasing the number of interoperable equipment on the market and making mobile data transmission feasible"






    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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