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Posts posted by jp1992

  1. I also do enterprise web application development, with crazy complex applications for a fortune 100 company... We have mechanisms in place to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen - version control is the most basic; we also have three environments that we can promote to prod at any time.


    I'm kinda surprised that there wasn't a snapshot somewhere they could roll back. Just seems like a miss on a very important feature.


    Glad it's fixed now.

    You are right though the first step is usually a snapshot. I work for a university so we don't have as robust of an environment. 


    They might have been trying to figure out if they could fix it easily before they rolled back. 

  2. I hope they have some sort of version control in place with their web tech (Git or SVN). They'd just need to roll back the changes and redeploy.

    I do web development. Everything is usually stored in a content management system but sometimes to do upgrades you have to break things and it makes it difficult to go back depending on where you are in the process. Sometimes even version control won't help you.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. Heard that with 8.1 you can choose to be on 2g, 3g or LTE. So LTE only mode? I don't know

    Doesn't Sprint not have a 2G network? So for Sprint it will be the same as it always has.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. One thing I don't like one bit, the late 2015 release date.


    And if Apple can downsize their OS for performance enhancements, then Microsoft should have figured it out by now, but with the same OS running on a plethora of devices, I suppose you're right on the bigger space usage this time around too.



    Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

    I have heard that Word has thousands of line of code that nobody knows what they do, but they don't want to remove it because they are afraid it can break something.


    I can only imagine how bad an entire operating system could be.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. So, I need some help. I last used my iPhone 5s on 7.1.2, and ran an iCloud backup. It's not allowing me to restore that backup on my 6 with 8.0. Can you only restore from the same iOS version? Also, I can't seem to get my photo stream back. I've tried disabling/re-enabling that feature, and nothing appears in my "photos" app. Thoughts?



    Sent from my iPhone 6

    Photostream pictures are only stored for thirty days.


    My wife had issues restoring an iCloud backup on her six. Sounds like just another bug in Ios8



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. I'm using SwiftKey and only get the generic apple keyboard on password pages.

    This actually makes sense from a security point of view.  I also noticed you can't access third party keyboards from the lock-screen.  

    • Like 3
  7. People on reddit say the GM has the exact same build number as the public release...they didn't make any changes?

    The GM is the final version. Anything else that comes up that needs to be fixed will be done through 8.X.X (which we already know will happen to enable some features like continuity).

  8. The verge did a pretty good video I think on the phone and how it is to have the new device. I've never been more anxious for a new phone!


    Andddd. Am I the only one looking forward to swiftkey coming to iOS?


    Edit. Guess I can't embed YouTube videos from my phone.


    Loved how he stood outside the Apple Store with the iPhone 6 in hand while everyone was waiting.





    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  9. This beta might help with iOS 8, but because Apple changed the Continuity for SMS to "October", they will release a 8.0.1 release for iOS 8 at the public release of Yosemite.



    Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

    Wow I missed that no wonder why my texts haven't been working on my iPad. If I knew that I would have stayed on the beta till the day it expired.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  10. There are interesting benefits to using a card for the purchase - I think Discover, for instance, doubles warranty periods on electronics. So the 90 day from Apple is extended to 180 days (but you have to call & file the claim through the card).


    Discover only refunds the cost you paid for the device. So if you bought it on contract they would refund the $200+tax and that's it. Apple devices have a 1 year warranty.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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