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Blog Comments posted by radem

    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    On 2/5/2019 at 10:34 AM, Wfmets45 said:

    I think Sprint must’ve turned it off on one of the updates. My wife upgraded from the iPhone 7 to the XS and it made her upgrade to iOS 12.1.3 when she was restoring from the cloud and VoLTE was disabled for her. I had to manually turn it on. Voice quality is SO MUCH better on VoLTE. She sounds so much clearer and almost like HD Voice. I have Verizon and when she would call me from her 7, it was so hard to understand her, now it’s night and day.


    I live in Brooklyn, NY (VoLTE market)

    The VoLTE setting would not have been turned on in the backup since the backup was made from a iPhone 7.  The restore on the XS, restored the settings from the iPhone 7.  It was the restore process that turned VoLTE off on the XS.  That appears to be a bug in either Apple's restore from backup process or Sprint's code that enables VoLTE where that code did not run after a restore.

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    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    3 minutes ago, JohnHovah said:


    does this carry over on to the iOS 12.1.2 software?

    Once enabled in "Settings - Cellular - Cellular Data Options - Enable LTE - Voice & Data", it holds through IOS updates and iPhone restarts.  VoLTE is enabled by default starting in IOS 12.1.1 on iPhone 8 and higher if you are in a VoLTE market but you can turn it off if you need to for any reason by setting Enable LTE to Data Only.  Turning it off reverts to phone back to using CDMA 1x/3G for calling.  Even if enabled, it acts as if it is disabled whenever you are not in a VoLTE enabled market.

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    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    Sprint has limited which Iphone models can use VoLTE.  Some hardware components are different in iPhone 8 and higher from the 7 and earlier models.  Thus far Sprint has only developed the necessary VoLTE programming for the iPhone 8 and higher version.  This is most likely due to the vast majority of iPhone users having those models of the iPhone and a much smaller number have iPhone versions earlier than 8. 

    It is unknown if they will release a version of the VoLTE programming for older phones.  If nothing else, you will likely be able to switch older iPhones to the T-Mobile network in the future and get the T-Mobile version of the VoLTE programming that works on some some older models of iPhone.

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    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    7 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    I just updated an iPhone 8 to iOS 12.1.1 and it shows VoLTE as enabled. Carrier 35.0

    I rebooted it again after updating and it now shows it.  Maybe because I have a business line with some extra security stuff or my phone was just acting up.  Not sure but either way VoLTE is enabled by default. 

    FYI the option for it is under Settings - Cellular - Cellular Data Options - Enable LTE - Voice & Data.  If you select Data Only, it looks like it turns VoLTE off.

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    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    1 hour ago, RedSpark said:

    Updated to iOS 12.1.1 which just dropped. VoLTE is now live on the iPhone XS (not sure about older devices). Once you update, it's automatically enabled. Sprint clearly wants iOS users to migrate over to it.

    It did not add any VoLTE functionality to my iPhone 8 Plus after updating.  On IOS 12.1.1 carrier bundle 35.0.

    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE

    On 11/6/2018 at 6:54 AM, Wfmets45 said:

    Will Sprint enable VoLTE on older iPhones such as the 6 or 6s?

    The unverified rumor floating around reddit is that iPhone 8 and higher will get the ability to enable VoLTE when Apple releases IOS 12.1.1. 

    There were changes made to the iPhone hardware components between the iPhone 7 and 8 models and the new IOS carrier bundle only has Sprint VoLTE code in it that works on that newer hardware.  It is possible to enable VoLTE on older iPhones as other providers have done so but they did so when those older iPhones were current. 

    Since the majority of Sprint iPhone users have a phone released in the past 2 years, a special update just for the older iphones seems unlikely when they have to spend time working to get VoLTE rolled out for other newer phones.  Phones without VoLTE should continue to work for a while as Sprint previously said they are not planning on completely shutting down CDMA for a couple years.

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