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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by EliBohnert

  1. I just became the mayor of The Bohnerts on @foursquare! http://t.co/Ma7yGMT6

  2. imma be immaaaaa be

  3. I don't want to go to sleep but I need to since I have to he up in 5 hours

  4. I promise, I swearWherever you go just always rememberThat you got a home for now and foreverAnd if you get low just call me whenever

  5. My bike feels way too small of sudden

  6. free 3 month premium flickr membershiphttp://www.theverge.com/2012/12/22/3794886/flickr-pro-subscribers-three-months-free.

  7. okay now it's bed time

  8. listing to glee music. teenage dream wablers is just like happniess

  9. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/jCm4uHp9 Demand A Plan to End Gun Violence


    http://t.co/haiLYclI - "Scream & Shout" ft. Britney Spears PARODY: http://t.co/Af9t9Z5d via @youtube


  11. my hair is so bad today it would make Lindsay lohan barf

  12. iPhone snags its highest U.S. market share ever, says report via @CNET iPhones back bitches http://t.co/zerZj0VJ


    #peopleihate @nnikkoh becuz he has read receipts off

  14. the iPhone 5 is to thin to hold easily without a case

  15. Overheard: December 21st: god decides he's had enough of sims and quits without saving http://t.co/yvhyJAIY

  16. There are 4 days, 11 Hours, 55 Minutes, and 19 seconds until Christmas! get the Christmas Countdown app here: http://t.co/yMpQp70c

  17. Verizon LTE Is now live in 2 towers in perry county

  18. this kinda weather scars me. can I just hid under blankets in my bed or

  19. Photo: I’m watching 20/20 87 others are also watching. 20/20 on http://t.co/jHYqUiOY http://t.co/9hbS5pIh

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