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Status Updates posted by EliBohnert

  1. I really hate you and your strung out joke

  2. my sister is blasting cheryl cole. bless her soul.

  3. iMessage kept crashing when I tried to send a message to my cousin. Well I did send her 35+ pics...

  4. Haha one direction pepsi commercial

  5. Changed my twitter name :)

  6. Ugh iTunes won't find the update yet

  7. T-Mobile To Announce Imminent iPhone Arrival Next Week? http://t.co/zjFIrDmf @Kody_7roje ... maybe you were right

  8. Damian McGinty - EP by Damian McGinty http://t.co/YczvaRvg

  9. Uninstalling iTunes on my moms computer since it won't let her iPhone sync anymore. Great. Just what I need to be doing

  10. If It was legal to kill your parents mine would be dead long ago. They can't give me wifi that can even load a web page

  11. OMG Kim kardishans birthday is the same day as mine. http://t.co/gMjTZgQO

  12. be young be dope be proud @ The Bohnerts http://t.co/8DT7TZal

  13. The new rdio app is amazing @ The Bohnerts http://t.co/hc4Dd4DQ

  14. In the glee version of gangnam style it really sounds like they are saying open condom style omfg

  15. Some music does not play now though #Spotifywebbeta

  16. 12% to 6% while I have my iPhone charging? REALLY

  17. This is what most girls these days look like @ The Bohnerts http://t.co/c4MqvqRh

  18. Ke$ha acoustic Die Young Is like Church ????

  19. PhoneClean - Free Up Space on iPhone & iPad - iPhone Cleaner http://t.co/Wg2lt1vA In 5 min I gained 700megs of space YES YES LOVE IT

  20. My week on twitter: 6 retweets received, 14 new followers, 76 mentions. Via: http://t.co/xjoiVhOm

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