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Everything posted by seventhwhite

  1. Ding ding! Out cold. Wonder what she's dreaming about. I'm sure she's dreaming of what she'll be… https://t.co/00deVh4LyV

  2. @jamesaross I deactivated and haven't looked back. Haven't missed anything of it, to be quite honest.

  3. RT @Patriots: Statement from #Patriots Chairman & CEO Robert Kraft: https://t.co/f5DJeK0Woj

  4. @Im_PlayingDead Not to mention high school. Doesn't paint football in a good light. Also makes me wonder what effect drugs had as well.

  5. I'll never not snicker when Al Micheals says Ha Ha Clinton-Dix. Am I immature? I can live with that. #SNF #ATLvsGB

  6. RT @ItMeIRL: me irl https://t.co/xsiQQuvYG1

  7. @Ask_Spectrum Any outages in Matthews, NC?

  8. An unexpected bonus to pregnancy : drink holder. http://t.co/e0FOYeu4zg

  9. I'm still pulling 1X800 as of right now. It's been a lot of on/off though. It's been messing with my data connection like crazy.
  10. Something something something Noah

  11. I never get tired of the Doobie Brothers. Think I might have been born in the wrong musical generation.

  12. This morning is fueled by @drpepper (diet!) #winterfest

  13. More details: http://t.co/bNFobSsFpBWill update to the latest OSX version and will be wiped cleaner than a baby's bottom before you get it

  14. WTB backs that can tackle. C'mon.

  15. Anyone else play League of Legends? Hit me up. AlterableIowa.

  16. Michonne is clutch!

  17. RT @eweese1: Any guesses how many pitchers the Cards will go through? #GetBeard #WorldSeries

  18. Let's go Red Sox! I, like many others, only care about baseball roughly once a year.

  19. Ever talk to someone and just go : "Huh. That's interesting" ? I find that happening a lot more often the older I get.

  20. It's almost that time of year again -- not fall, but that time when things start to get all political and I clear out my social media accts.

  21. Weighed in at 184 this morning. Today calls for bacon, bluegrass and brews. Loving this fall weather.

  22. I'm not entirely sure if I know how to NOT be sarcastic. This could be a problem, or you know, whatever. Hmm.

  23. Maybe playing GTA before work wasn't the best idea. Gridlock is way more frustrating when you spent the last hour ignoring traffic signals.

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