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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. What do you think the odds are that 5.1 will add Sprint wifi calling? It seems very very likely that at least T-Mobile will get it in the update. But I don't know how different their wifi calling solution is from Sprint's.


    I'm guessing Sprint's uses IMS in some way (to make the eventual VoVTE transition easier) with an ipsec tunnel that functions basically like an airave. Is that pretty standard?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  2. Just to confirm, everyone has working NFC correct? I'm now on my second Nexus 6 trying to fix this. NFC disappears from the settings within 24 hours after a factory reset. It's as though the NFC chip simply isn't present anymore. The only way to get it back is to factory reset (safe mode doesn't work).


    It seems to be tied to hands free activation, so I'm wondering if I just have a faulty SIM or something... I spoke with Google support and they're perplexed. I'm going to get a new SIM from Sprint now, factory reset for the 6th time, and hope it works...


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  3. Just got off the phone with one of the ticket support reps and he confirmed that sprint is aware of the texting issues for the nexus 6 in Samsung markets and that "a firmware update for the phone" is in the works that will address the problem


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    Yes! So they finally acknowledge that it's an issue in Samsung markets.


    I noticed that while out (not on wifi) last night, with a strong Sprint b41 signal, texting was much more reliable (I didn't have any get hung up, but I only sent maybe 5 total, so not a good sample size).


    B26 though always still causes issues. B25 is hit and miss. And if you're on wifi, forget about it, it's going to hang regardless.


    It's ironic, because I had very similar issues with texts on my single band Galaxy S4 while connected to 1x800 right after it was rolled out in the SF area (1x1900 worked fine on the same tower). I eventually modified my PRL to basically ignore 1x800 in the SF area until they got the problem fixed.

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  4. I'm guessing the phone with keep a VPN connection open to google to tunnel everything (not just calls) through, at least over any open wifi it finds?


    They could even keep it up over LTE to deal with IP address changes between carriers.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  5. Yeah they do, for their hardware/nexus and other things. And they are located in the US. Places like Michigan Utah and Florida. And cali. So yeah they do speak English. Call em up sometime.

    Yeah their Nexus customer support is really good. It's supposedly 24/7 too. The one time I needed support (NFC chip was broken in my Nexus 6), I pressed the "call me" button in their support app and I received a call from a representative within seconds. Very knowledgeable, clearly not reading from a script or anything.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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  6. Does anybody have any ideas on how best to get this issue brought to the right people at sprint? I doubt the CS Reps will be very helpful....


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    This thread has some contact info for the Network Team: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6586-sprint-network-team-contact/


    It seems like that may be the best way to get the attention of someone higher up, especially since this issue appears to have a network component to it.

  7. Quick question. Does the unlocked Nexus 6 have HD calling? Or is it just for the sprint version?


    Sent from my Nexus 6

    Yeah it does. They're identical. There is absolutely no difference between a Nexus 6 purchased from Sprint, Google Play, or Motorola. They're all unlocked and exactly the same model running the exact same software.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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  8. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this. If you are on LTE and you send a sms and it immediately says "now" for the time stamp then it was sent then it's fine. However, if you send a sms and it says "sending" for longer than it should then it will duplicate to the person you're sending it to.

    Yeah I mentioned it several posts back. It doesn't always duplicate when it gets stuck like this. At least in Samsung markets, it seems to only duplicate if it changes towers or bands while stuck sending.


    I've been texting to my Google Voice number to do all my testing. If you have another number you can use you should see if ALU always duplicates or if it's only when there is a handoff.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  9. I'm in SoCal (Alcatel-Lucent market) and I have the duplication problem. Bought my N6 from Sprint.

    Ok, so it may be an issue in both Samsung and ALU markets. Can anyone else in an Ericsson market confirm that they do or do not have this issue?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  10. Are these all issues from the Sprint version or from both versions? I've had zero issues and mine is from google play.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

    They should identical. For the record though, I purchased mine directly from Motorola.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  11. So at least from my experience it is definitely connected to the hardware in the market. Issues with Samsung... No issues with ericcson.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    I'm pretty sure I had SMS issues during a layover in Washington DC, which is ALU territory it seems. But I was only there for an hour, it was pretty busy, and I only sent a couple texts, so I can't really make a definitive conclusion. Can anyone in ALU territory chime in?


    If it is indeed Samsung equipment related, does it fall on Sprint to fix this or Motorola?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  12. i think it's a N6 issue. if you set the radio to 3G only and do an airplane cycle they seem to work everytime. when you go back to LTE/CDMA and you are on LTE it seems like it screws up more than works...

    I still believe it's an issue that is a mix between the Nexus 6 radio and Samsung equipment (either hardware or configuration), since it doesn't happen when connected to Clear B41.


    The previous post says it worked fine in Frankfort, KY on LTE. Does anyone know if that's a Samsung market? What about Fort Wayne, Indiana?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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  13. As an update to the SMS issues, I've now repeatedly verified that at least in the San Francisco market, Sprint B41 has delayed and duplicate SMS just like B25 and B26. Clear B41 does not have these issues. 


    My current theory is that sending an SMS for some reason isn't triggering the LTE connection to become active. If LTE is already active then the text usually goes through immediately, regardless of the band. However if the connection is idle (as is usually the case on wifi), then the SMS hangs and may duplicate. If the LTE connection happens to be active when Android attempts to send it again, then it goes through. Otherwise it is delayed for another cycle, which appears to have progressively longer wait times between attempts. It seems like it could be an issue with the Nexus 6's modem and perhaps a power saving feature on Samsung equipment?


    Since Sprint still doesn't seem to acknowledge that this is a known issue with the Nexus 6, does anyone know the best way to escalate it? Or at least verify that they are taking it seriously? I'm not sure if this is something Sprint can fix on their end, or if Motorola needs to acknowledge it and patch the modem in an OTA? 

  14. I've done some more testing, and Sprint seems to be making improvements with the SMS issues over the last couple days. On Clear B41 they send instantly, faster than 3G only mode. On B25/26 they will send instantly maybe 10% of the time. The other times it lags and is stuck sending for anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. During this time if it changes bands (B25 to B26 for example), then it sends a copy right at the band handoff, but keeps trying for a while on the new band. When it eventually succeeds this results in the duplicate text. I couldn't find anything relevant in logcat.


    The problem seems less likely to occur on B25/26 if my signal is stronger than -85. Clear B41 always works instantly even as low as -114.


    On every band I receive SMS instantly. So it's only sending SMS. I don't think I've been missing calls, and based on another thread here it seems SMS does not use eCSFB, and LTE handles them natively.


    Since this is my first tri-band device, is this SMS sending delay normal? Or is it Nexus 6 specific? EDIT: Just tried with a Galaxy S5 in the same location on the same tower, texts always sent instantly. So it's definitely an issue specifically with Sprint and the Nexus 6.

  15. I think I may have found a pattern with the duplicate SMS issue. If I'm connected to a Clear B41 tower then texts seem to reliably send. But if I'm on B25 or B26 then they hang and duplicate. I think Sprint B41 (8T8R) also may cause duplicates, but I haven't had a chance to verify that yet.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  16. Possible work-around for this (worked for me)- go to radio info shortcut *#*#4636#*#* then phone information and click turn on sms over ims (only click once), **probably uses data**


    *****does not help with mms, only sms-for me *****

    Thanks for the tip, I just turned it on, I'll give it a shot today and see.


    I noticed lately that if my phone is asleep (ie screen off) for a bit then the first sms lags and duplicates. Then if I'm texting very often after that they send instantly. It's at least an improvement over where this was a month ago.


    This is such a weird bug... Hopefully the IMS thing fixes it, though it possibly will disable the ability to send it receive sms while on a call.


    Edit: it didn't fix it for me.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  17. Do you think that this could be an issue with certain markets? I know I have have seen the issue yet and the only difference I can think of would be the location.

    I've experienced it in the Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and San Francisco markets. So it's likely not market based.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  18. The app uses a combination of the speeds and bandwidth reported by the OS to determine which 802.11 protocol is active. You should only see ac if the reported speed is >150 Mbps. Next time you see it, please send me a screenshot or post it here so I can take a look.



    Ahh, that explains it then. The speed is 300 Mbps. It's a 5 Ghz network with a 40 Mhz channel width. I'm using a Nexus 6, which has a 2x2 radio, so it can hit 300 Mbit using 802.11n.


    I won't be at that location until later next week, but I can send the screen shot then if you still want it.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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  19. Has anyone else noticed that SCP shows wifi as bring ac even when it isn't? There is one AP I connect to that it always says is using 802.11ac on 5 Ghz, but I know for certain that the router is 802.11n only.


    At another location with an ac router, it does seem to adjust the status to what is actually used. In other words, depending on signal strength it will change to n or g.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  20. it's definitely a bug/issue that needs/will be addressed.



    I've been able to get silent mode working through what I think is Priority mode (the star appears near the clock). I've always used a Tasker profile to put my phone on silent at night when I plug it in. I made no changes to it from my S4 and this is the mode it puts my phone in now.


    You should be able to go into settings and turn off everything for Priority mode so that nothing vibrates or makes noise other than alarms. Ie, the old silent mode. Notifications still show up in the drawer.


    It seems that priority mode is the old silent mode, but they added the ability to allow certain exceptions to bypass it.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  21. This time around it will be a bit longer, because I expect multiple betas before it will be ready for a public release. Too many bugs hiding in there. I don't like giving timelines because that sets everyone up for a letdown, but I hope to get a public update out before Christmas.



    Any chance of one more person getting in on the beta?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  22. Has anyone picked up bands 12 or 13 with their nexus 6 yet? Just wondering if any of the roaming agreements have become active...


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    How would these show up? Without engineering screens, I guess we're dependent on SCP. Is it able to identify these bands?


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  23. I was wondering if it had something to due w/ eCSFB as well. I agree with the fact that if it goes, it goes immediately just like my N5. If it doesn't, it gets stuck and appears to be 'sending' forever. I've had it come back as failed only to find out that it has been sent multiple times. This would also make sense as to why the problem is 'fixed' by moving to 3G or CMDA instead of LTE. I just wonder how the N6 is any different than any other Tri-Band phone...


    EDIT: To note, all towers around me are fully upgraded Sprint B25/26/41 and have been for months. So, I do not believe it is the towers causing eCSFB, it is the radio on the phone or some weird network issue with this phone specifically.

    The only difference I can think of is that it uses a CSIM. But doesn't the newest HTC phone and iPhone 6 use this as well? I'm not aware of them having the same issue.


    I know Verizon also uses CSIM (and I think they have since they launched LTE?), and they would also need to use eCSFB with the Nexus 6. So I'm curious if anyone using it on Verizon is experiencing the same issue. If so, then it's likely a Nexus 6 problem. If not, then it's probably Sprint.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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  24. I'm one of the people experiencing the text messaging issue, can you all confirm that you are integrated with Google Voice or not? A Sprint thread has recently noted that this may be the problem. I'm going to disconnect mine and let you know if it is any different.



    I don't have Google Voice integration but still have the issue. When it works the text will send immediately, otherwise it gets stuck on sending and apparently sends it multiple times.


    It seems to me like it's an eCSFB problem, since others have reported missing calls as well. It's as though the phone isn't properly switching over to CDMA reliably.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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