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Everything posted by Joeynach

  1. Super awesome. Everytime you chime in I learn something new.
  2. And just after I write that last post, I went and updated my PRL, all of sudden sitting at my office desk my phone goes to a 1x800 signal that is producing a stronger signal than the 1xRTT. The interesting thing is the address, the 1x800 signal is coming from 1015 N Halsted St tower, which is a site about 1.3 Miles away from my location. Its a tower essentially on Goose Island in the industrial area around Halsted and Division. While the 1xRTT signal was coming from 1200 feet away and was weaker. So if that is an indication of the power of the 800Mhz frequency than dear lord, this is a considerable upgrade. I can only imagine what LTE on 800SMR will actually look like once its in place all over town! So am I even reading all that correct from the Signal Check App. Does the location given for the BSL show the tower's location that is broadcasting or is it something else?
  3. So this is the signal I see in my office building at Ogilvie. As you say I am connected to 1900Mhz PCS for voice as 1xRTT is strong, but I am also connected to a weak 1900Mhz PCS LTE signal. I found it a little strange b/c I can see from the App where the signal is coming from, 651 W. Washington, which according to Google Earth is 1200 feet away from my location to the West. So I am assuming this is the difference between LTE and CDMA technologies....even on the same carrier frequency the LTE signal is much much weaker at that distance from source than is the CDMA?
  4. Thanks for the clarification, didn't realize I was getting 1900 Voice/Text on 1xRTT. I do get a strong 1x800 signal in my office where my LTE is weak and borderline fallback, so right there in that instance the idea of 800LTE will probably broadcast a stronger more useable signal there. Even if as you 800LTE will fall somewhere between 1900LTE and 800 voice, it will be a considerable upgrade in not only my office, but many high rises and urban structures downtown. To bad I don't have a B26 device. Oh well.
  5. So I have been monitoring my LTE signal strength around town now that I upgraded to Signal Check Pro. Though I am wondering is the 1xRTT signal strength (which operates on 800Mhz freq right?) an indication of what we can expect once we have full B26 LTE on 800Mhz in place? Needless to say that 1XRTT signal is very very strong all over town, indoors and out, basements, stairwells, etc. As most know the LTE signal on 1900Mhz is usually gone once inside a big structure or lower level.
  6. Im curious what Sprint is doing with all the de-commishined Clearwire WiMax sites. There have to be hundreds in each markets and tens of thousands nation wide; towers, panels, cabinet hardware. What is to be done with all that?
  7. Ya know I have one burning question about NV that I have never fully understood. Maybe anyone on this board can answer. So when Sprint talks about Tri-Band LTE, are they using one set of infrastructure and broadcasting three frequencies from the same tower/panels? Like are all Sprint's towers going to be broadcasting all three frequencies, or is Tri-Band an amalgamation of three separate tower networks, Sprint's towers for 1900, Clearwire's for 2500, and Nextel's for 800?
  8. Really, I still have tons of problems downtown indoors. My office @ Ogilvie my calls drop and fade in/out all the time.
  9. Now just finish all the downtown, west loop, and river north LTE upgrades Sprint!!!!!
  10. Much clearer now, thanks for the clarifications.
  11. So today with this huge takeover of Green 3G/800/4G pins that means most Chicago sites are now operating their voice on 1x800, instead of those Yellow 3G/4G or Purple 4G pins that provided voice on CDMA 1900?
  12. What is the difference between CDMA 800 and 3G/800?
  13. Can anyone remind me again what it means when a site goes from the red label of 3G only to the teal lablel of 3G/800? Does that mean the tower received its hardware upgrades, but is waiting for backhaul before going LTE active? I noticed the two West Loop towers recently went teal from red, still 3G, but I can't remember what this transition means for the prognosis of getting LTE soon.
  14. What, that article said the auction for H block of PCS was Jan 14th, so I assume it's over with. I'm asking what of importance is up for auction at this upcoming one you speak of, Auction 96.
  15. What of importance to Sprint users is up for action in this round?
  16. Makes me less disappointed cuz I had assumed this spectrum could be used to widen the crunch on the little 5x5 carrier of LTE that as we all know has overcrowding issues in urban areas. But as you say since its not actually part of the B25 it couldn't really be used to widen the spectrum block on Sprint's deployment of B25. Still, I would say the competitive trend I have noticed now that all carriers are deploying LTE nationwide is who can provide the widest LTE carrier to try and avoid overloading and slow downs (especially in city centers). Naturally, anytime I see spectrum up for sale/auction of course I want my carrier to acquire and deploy.
  17. Do any of our mods on the board know the status of Sprint bidding on the H block of 1900 mhz spectrum auctioned by the FCC last week. 10Mhz was up for auction right in Sprint's 1900Mhz wheelhouse. Lord knows sprint needs wider spectrum in their PCS block to alleviate the overcrowding issues in urban areas. http://www.examiner.com/article/sprint-4g-lte-coverage-could-improve-with-h-block-spectrum-bid
  18. IMO giant telecoms or utility companies usually don't do anything until they absolutely have to, so I understand where you are coming from.
  19. This is great to know thank you. Last question on the subject, when this moment happens, will there be an official announcement? Will S4GRU make an announcement? How will we know?
  20. And do we know if the additional B25 carrier by way of the USCC spectrum can be accessed by all of our current (non Tri band) LTE devices? Will we need to do anything, PRL, data profile?
  21. I have noticed the exact same thing. My SNR's all around the city and Near north side have improved, but my speeds have not. I don't see as many 0-3 SNR readings anymore, still a few, but I get closer to ten in bad spots, and closer to 17-18 in better spots now. The thing is though, most of my speeds have gotten worse, especially in the Loop. One thing I would point out is we all take SNR from SignalCheck Lite right? Well I noticed the increased SNR readings after the App was updated earlier this month. Not sure if there is any correlation, just something I noticed.
  22. Funny, I thought the same exact thing....DART BOARDS!!
  23. Couldn't agree more. At least I am savy enough through my exposure to S4GRU to know better, but imagine just a regular Joe Schmo Sprint user getting this kind of information or misinformation from official Sprint channels. Scary.
  24. So I just wanted to share this because I thought it was hilarious. I was exchanging tweets with people who were also noting slow LTE services from Sprint, basically just letting them know they are not alone as we have similar problems here in Chicago. I then received three separate tweets from three separate people at @sprintcare. All asking me for the same thing, what are my cross streets and zip code so they can look and see if there is any trouble in my area. So I gave all three the exact same address, my office at Ogilvy, and low and behold all three responded with a different synopsis. One responded and said there were outages in my area and towers were being fixed, one responded and said there are no outages in my area and recommended I do a data profile refresh, and the last one responded and said the towers in my area haven't been updated to LTE yet. I almost keeled over laughing at all three. That made my day.
  25. I agree with you in theory, however too many times over the last 6 months I have speed tested my Sprint LTE device right next to a friend or family members LTE device on ATT/VZW and found startling differences at many downtown Chicago locations. Conversely, I have noticed very little difference at suburban location doing the same tests. In fact my last test about a month ago in Homewood, my Sprint LTE device was crushing my sisters ATT LTE, problem is I spend about 95% of my time in the Loop and Lincoln park. Naturally this has started to change my opinion.
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