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Posts posted by Mr.Nuke

  1. I have a 300k metro area that gets the dreaded iwireless, Tmo just passed the whole state to an affiliate. T-Mo wants nothing to do with this area either.

    Yep they're terrible in Nebraska and Iowa and that is the point. We have several members that continue to extrapolate Carrier X, Y, or Z's performance in City 1,2,3 to make broad generalizations about carriers national networks. That needs to quit.


    I think it is crazy that T-Mobile didn't build out Omaha, but I don't carry over any assumptions based on that to their network in other places.

  2. again, apples and oranges.  easy pay does work with old plans, the system in stores prevents the reps from signing up new purchases (via easy pay) to old plans.  this can be remedied by calling Sprint so I'm not seeing where the hardware limitation applies.

    You are borderline derailing this thread at this point over an odd obsession with Easy Pay on old plans. We get (sort of) your position. Move on.

    • Like 2
  3. I hope you also have access to the SAC bunker.  Otherwise, being so close to Offutt AFB, once you push that button, you are going to be dead soon.



    Technically speaking you have to go to the StratCom (SAC successor) bunker to answer the red telephone and push the button so I think I'm covered.

    • Like 1
  4. If Mr.Nuke has "full moderator powers," does that mean he now gets to answer the red telephone, has access to the launch codes, and gets to put his finger on the doomsday button?  God help us all.





    I now have full control over the W.O.P.R.


    • Like 3
  5. Agreed that's where they are currently. I have no timeline of when I expect this to happen, but only stating on when it does happen.... When you're truly on a supported Spark network, Sprint will be able to advertise the most consistent LTE network. You'll be able to average the highest consistent speeds. Those may be in the range of 15-20, but that will be the moniker.

    And that is ultimately the predicament with advertising the network right now, although I do like your idea posted above. While the NV equipment backbone is present at nearly all of Sprint's sites right now, LTE is obviously lagging behind. It is difficult if not foolish to center your marketing around a network that at this point is still a work in progress (obviously one that is improving daily, but still a WIP).  If they hit the 100 million POPs goal for 2.5 coverage by the end of the year I wouldn't be surprised to see them start taking a more aggressive marketing approach with the network.

    • Like 2
  6. As I have had the title for two weeks now, I guess this means that I passed the trial period.  Hot damn and hallelujah!





    How does someone become one of these staff members and what is the pay scale, did you get a raise? ;)

    • Like 2
  7. Hmm, well I think a lot of people on this thread would (and have) disagree on the significantly lower price.


    If these were great plans, everyone would be switching today.

    I don't think these plans were designed for people on this board by-and-large.

    Tmo slashed and stock is strong.

    The stock is still somewhat supported by the rejected Iliad offer. John also only made a quarterly profit last quarter due to a one off spectrum sale to Verizon. T-Mobile's EBITDA margin has plummeted. The strategy of adding subscribers at next to 0 margins is great to get a company ready to sell. I'm yet to be convinced what he is doing is sustainable. Thus, I hesitate to see Sprint throw their hat in the "Race to the Bottom."

    • Like 3
  8. This one does make me scratch my head.  Here in Omaha even when we were in the toughest days of the upgrades my call and text quality were never bad, even if the data was unusable.  Call quality has never been a complaint with me compared to my experiences with other carriers in the area.

    This was specifically their Omaha report. http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/omaha-ne/2014/1H  Sprint is pretty much up there with the Big 2 on every metric but speed and that will change when 8T8R is deployed.

    • Like 4
  9. It is coming but I still think a brand name change may have to happen. Kind of like Comcast to Xfinity and Cablevision to Optimum. I am finally happy to see that they are starting to be more accepting of bring your own tablet to Sprint.

    Also a bit ironical given that Comcast to Xfinity is often cited as one of the more dubious name changes, because what is Xfinity? Sprint's brand perception isn't as bad as I had expected (it is basically neutral) and thus they won't change the name. There are too many costs involved with that and the benefits are questionable.

  10. Unless you lose more subs then you bring in.

    It is more complicated than that. Sprint has just shy of 30 million post-paid subscribers right now. Say you give everyone a $5 bill credit. That is $150 million of already earned revenue out the door. Say you drop every existing subscriber's plan by $5 a month to make it more competitive with a hypothetical new individual plan to be announced soon. That is $1.8 billion in lost revenue a year. Are you going to save some subscribers that were thinking about leaving by lowering their bill? Sure, but I doubt it is enough to justify the sacrificed revenue from the customers that have stayed. It is a complicated analysis that I'm sure they've run.


    Particularly in industries with contracts, most of the attention and deals is always on attracting new customers. Think cable, satellite, wired telephones, fitness centers etc. All of the promotions are directed towards new customers.

    • Like 4
  11. 10 Lines/20GB/$100 A Month, Start's Friday. A "source" just told me this. And Sprint is paying all ETF's to switch. 


    Editing as I get more info.

    Confirmed from Kansas City.


    For $100 a month customers can have up to 10 lines, 20 gig of data, unlimited talk/text. Full details tonight on @41ActionNews

    — Lexi Sutter (@LexiSutterTV) August 18, 2014
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