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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. An analyst stated that Dish's offer lacks Capital




    Source: Bloomberg



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2


    Dish will be in debt up to their eyeballs if they buy Sprint. Massive, crushing debt. This would make Nextel look like a walk in the park.

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  2. Also, you have to remember that SoftBank turned a burning heap of junk that was Vodafone Japan, and turned it around into arguably the best network in Japan.


    Would Charlie do that? No, Dish is no competitor. They are simply a cheaper version of DirecTV. Also remember Charlie is universally reviled by his own employees.


    I wonder if SoftBank would be interested in T-Mobile if Dish and Sprint end up with each other. We all know DT wants out and SoftBank wants in. Dish, though?


    He would overwhelm already strained bandwidth for LTE MBMS. That's far from proven IMO.



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  3. The coverage issues didn't pop up overnight. They won't be solved overnight. What Sprint has to do is take a patient approach to foster the right regulatory climate and return to profitability. Then we can start moving on a strategy that can be used to establish more rural coverage. I just don't see much that can be done in the short run.

  4. Build out a network of their own? Like AT&T and VZW have done over the years, instead of the typical Sprint "Let's just rely on roaming agreements that could fall apart at the Drop of a Pin." I mean I love Sprint, they remind me of Saab as a wireless carrier and I want them to succeed, but they need to own their own extensive network to do that.


    Sprint has to find their way to profit first. Once the Nextel abomination is finally laid to rest, I think we'll see something using the SMR spectrum. I just don't know what Sprint can do to cover the country short of epic, complete long-term reform of the spectrum held by the Bell Behemoths. I live in an area where the local carriers got laid to waste by the big boys. As the local choices went away, so did the choices for consumers. It is unfortunate but Sprint can't do it all by themselves.

  5. I love how quick people are to judge when it comes to the high data use with the "Get a fiber line" comment. I live in an area that can't even truly be considered rural, as it's only about 20-30 minutes outside of Cleveland Ohio. Out here there is NO fiber, and nothing offering speeds even close to it, best and most reliable here is a 6mBps DSL line, at times when traffic is high or when there are network problems it gets slightly better speeds than dial up. VZW and AT&T both have LTE here, it's faster and more reliable than my home Internet is for me, hell many times even Sprint's overloaded 3G network is too. Point is when Sprint LTE gets here, I will use what I pay for. A reliable, fast, better than my DSL network, until a service like FIOS is out here (could be many years, if ever) I will be highly dependent on my wireless connection, as are many others around our country. Not everything can have a blanket statement applied to it, this is one of those situations.


    Are you in an awful, horrible situation? Absolutely.


    You should still get the 6Mbps line though.


    I certainly hope you aren't eluding to any sort of violating the T's and C's, BTW. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

  6. Look at how much of the spectrum Sprint is actually using across the country, hardly any of it.

    It looks like Verizon are AT&T are actually expanding their coverage to use theirs.

    T-Mobile on the other hand, is much worse.


    This doesn't have as much to do with spectrum in my opinion, as much as it has to do with money. After the Nextel disaster, Sprint didn't really have an option other than to retreat when it came to building out the rural areas. I'm not using that as an excuse, I'm merely stating what the facts are.

  7. I'm pissy because I don't have LTE here. :P In the 'area,' I've seen consistent progress in the last six months but I'm worried about the tower nearest here, a former IPCS tower. It just got 3G data five years ago. Six miles away in every direction is a 10MB LTE signal but here, nooooo.


    Disclaimer: I'm on the border of the East Michigan/West Michigan markets so I follow both.


    I don't blame people for being frustrated at all. I just want them to deal with Sprint customer service when it comes to the bad. The more people that call in, the more data that Sprint can use to improve their networks. And, if Sprint shows disrespect and disregard, and people come back and tell us about it, at that point we can make more disturbing conclusions.


    To be clear, embracing VoLTE and converting to VoLTE are two very different outcomes.




    Some further explanation might be warranted.


    I just don't see a big need for Sprint to rush anything on VoLTE until they have 800 LTE implemented and Network Vision conversion largely complete. It may be beneficial to enable VoLTE after that, but I think Sprint has to get their network performance in order first.

    • Like 1
  9. Sort of goes both ways once VoLTE/LTE is fully built out among all four major carriers (assuming your phone supports the band, of course), no? In four years, it sounds like unlocked handsets will be in much greater demand.


    It's worth being said that Sprint is probably going to be the last carrier in the US to embrace VoLTE.


    And digiblur, dont piss on anyones fallacies. You know good and well that Mr. Hesse has a big black briefcase with a big magic red button and when everything is ready, all the employees at HQ gather round Kim Jong Korean lunatic style to watch him push the magic LTE button and all applaud in joy


    So that's how it's done... :lol:

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