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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. That's a good goodwill way to think of it... throwing the other CCA members a bone.


    It would be nice to see T-Mobile join in for the rural GSM/UMTS providers and demand Band 12 devices. It's more plausible now that Sprint joined in. Since most high end smartphones have the MDM chipsets that support both CDMA and GSM, it's feasible.

  2. It does happen though. One of my lines roams all the time at one mile from an active 4g site. It just depends on the RF design as there is no guarantee of indoor coverage. That's where airaves come in to play.


    Sent from my little Note2


    Fair point. Still, there are pockets of bad for each carrier even in large metros... If they send a free Airave that would also work.

  3. Negativity about Sprint is going to be the trend since Sprint cut POP's covered this year from 250 million to 200 million.




    If you disagree with that, fine, but realize that's going to create an undertow of negativity.


    I get tired of the "why isn't my town LTE" posts as well but if you go back and look at the big picture, some of that's just going to not be preventable.

  4. I live in a VZW market that's just as bad. 200 Kbps.


    That reply didn't yet generate a response. Also, LTE is south of here, with VZW deploying in the middle of nowhere south of Chester. VZW deployment has hit the looney bin for me. If it's this bad I'll go to Alltel even as it gets swallowed into the fail whale that is AT&T.


    I could also try a $30 T-Mobile SIM...my options here suck. :(

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  5. Or, for that matter, that he didn't account for Verizon as "Party J". The only party that might be sitting back is AT&T, but if EBS isn't going to count against their spectrum cap, then they'd participate in an EBS fire sale as well. The only reason I am not counting them as an instigator is that they have too many spectrum transactions to care much about Clear (Verizon 700 B, Grain Management, Corr, Alltel pt. 3 to name a few.)


    VZW is not sitting back in this. He is wrong about that.

  6. I would be extremely surprised if VZ planned to actually utilized that spectrum.


    I think they would have places where they could use it. Het nets, small cells, DAS systems, super crowded places. They have 2x10 AWS they can still deploy in most places.


    That said, I still think VZW is making a play for EBS for two reasons.


    1. They are up against the spectrum cap.

    2. They want to inflict their own "Operation Chaos" on the Sprint/Dish/Clear fiasco.

  7. I think my opinion is with the majority on this thread. SoftBank has a proven track second in the wireless space and dish has no experiance. SoftBank would be a better match for sprint and better for the wireless industry as a whole. Unfortunately, sprint might not have any choice in the matter. If dish's offer is better for Sprint's share holders sprint is require by law to take it.


    Not if the EBITDA is way higher for SoftBank it isn't.

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