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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. My cousin Becky was at the Super Bowl. She has an iPhone 5 on AT&T's LTE. Shockingly, she was able to use data and text in the Superdome, even when the lights were out of the building and data load was at its highest point. By all indications, both AT&T and Verizon held up there. I know nothing about how Sprint and T-Mobile did.

  2. An AT&T-Vodafone deal would take another T-Mobile attempt off the table in 2017 because of the great debt load. That still doesn't take a potential takeover of Verizon of something else off the table, unfortunately.


    Then we have SoftBank's loads of money coming in soon... dare I mention a magenta takeover/joint venture? Or is SoftBank too early in the game for that?


    Nope. Blame the rest of the world that seemingly tries to stick it to the US. Like it or not, the US is still the most important country/market on the planet.




    On most affairs, I agree wholeheartedly. It would still be nice to see cooperation on getting spectrum in the same block. I don't expect to see it in my lifetime.

    • Like 1
  4. It's cute to see some of the T-Mobile fanboys come out of the woodwork to excuse their lack of rural coverage. Part of the reason I may stop posting at Howard Forums is clowns like jet1000. This guy was the same poster who argued most vehemently for AT&T-Mobile. Now he pivots on a dime to defend their lack of rural EDGE conversion. I'm pretty sure he was blasting the lack of 3G in rural areas as late as last year. Now Legere comes in and he pivots on a dime. Go figure.

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    It's really odd and I have no explanation but my guess is that, again T-Mobile had set up 2x10Mhz LTE in a controlled, indoor environment, and maybe that Note II was closer to the base station? Other than that, all three phones were tested in the same location in NYC which is BTW T-Mobile's 2x5Mhz market... And iPhone 5 btw is known for having pretty solid RF characteristics, so I'm puzzled.


    Also, I'm kinda getting tired of all the tech writers that are getting paid to cover these events, and none of them ask these questions, or at least fire up FieldTest mode... I'm really fed up with the amount of irrelevant and false reports covered by mainstream sites like The Verge for example.


    Gah... I'll just stop here :(


    I am going to get in touch with Chris Ziegler (the senior mobile editor at the Verge) about some of their articles. I think the people there need to go to wireless school. Learn the industry better. If I can do it, they can too.

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  6. Overall, I prefer the quality of service approach. If Sprint starts to shape traffic or semi-throttle during crowded times to balance loads, I'll have no issues with that. There's nothing stopping AT&T and Verizon from doing that as well, they just want the additional money.


    For Verizon and AT&T:


    1. Complain about excessive usage.

    2. Under use and under deploy spectrum and fiber assets.

    3. Set artificially low limits.

    4. Watch as dumb consumers fail to track usage.

    5. Collect overages.

    6. ??????

    7. PROFIT!!!

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