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Everything posted by LuisBOSS302

  1. People that talk the most hit the softest

  2. RT @KardashianReact: When the girl in front of you won't get her hair off your desk http://t.co/hEVBRP2qW1

  3. RT @BeardedGenius: I'm sure you've seen it but this goal by Menez is so cool. I tried it in pool once and ruined the table. https://t.co/Rk…

  4. Yeah we been having Band 41 since summer and B26 is now showing up in more places in the 209. The only city that still struggles with service.
  5. On my way to bear Valley and guess what I got? https://www.dropbox.com/s/w0fwq3g08wc400j/2014-12-21%2018.29.51.png?dl=0 Hwy 4 East just off Stockton
  6. We on some other shit rn lmao

  7. RT @PasionFCB: las vueltas que da el fútbol, @DaniAlvesD2 y @LuisEnrique21 rivales en un Barça - Sevilla (2003-04) https://t.co/EipcElLs4e

  8. I try to park next to that tower every time I can. So far I've only spotted NV 1.0 and not NV 2.0 Hopefully by the time the next semester starts I spot some NV 2.0
  9. 3rd quarter will see better results. The speed are faster now than they were back in Q2. It'll only improve since the busiest of the tower of the city is only broadcasting B25. Once that tower goes live with B41 and the tower at UOP as well it'll be superb. The experience here is really well. I'm spoiled! 3G is fast, Lte is fast, b41 is superb. The call quality has increased dramatically as well. I rarely drop calls like I used to.
  10. Stockton is pretty much covered with B41 in majority places you'll get B25 and then some. A world of difference compared to the 3G speeds we were experiencing not that long ago.
  11. The Ebola movement died down pretty quick in the USA

  12. Not much hope in Manteca because Sprint has only 1 tower there. The population has clearly outgrown the capacity for the towers. Until they install NV equipment on the Clearwire towers is when data will be usable. Which is why I avoid going to Manteca at all cost
  13. it's annoying. I hope it's fixed in the next software update. If only Hangouts was more reliable I'd go back.
  14. Anyone else having issues with the default messaging app regarding emojis? Whenever people send me emojis I never receive them. Only time I find out what emoji people send me is when I open up Google Voice. I would use hangouts but it didn't work for me. On hangouts I wouldn't receive texts, texts didn't send, and multimedia messages were a pain. I stopped using hangouts since the last update when they changed the layout.
  15. Niggas is broke because broke niggas never learn

  16. RT @jessicajazline: Ew keep that to yourself ????????

  17. Anyone had any luck with slim extended battery. I just bought a 4350 mah battery on eBay so I hope it's good. I only had it for two days and it's a bit better than the stock battery. My battery life on the S5 is awful. Tried everything to get Android OS and Android system to waste a minimal of battery but they are always my top 2 battery hoggers. On the stock battery I'd get 7 hours of life on heavy usage.
  18. If anyone in Stockton has a spark capable go out and find more B41 sites gone live. I found two more right now. They're still not optimized as I'm getting 25-35 mbps and on one site I hit 50 mbps. Pretty sure there are many more sites live with B41!
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