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Status Updates posted by _Roosevelt

  1. I'm at Capp's Pizza (Willoughby Hills, OH) http://t.co/0SLB0VCy

  2. Did they really say Andre Drummond shot 29% from the free throw line? That makes Shaq look like Ray Allen

  3. As long as Coinstar charges a fee, I'll continue to be the dick who walks into the bank with $5 of unrolled nickels, dimes and quarters

  4. The Supreme Court amazes me, they managed to piss off the right and left

  5. I avoid Taco Bell like the plague but I'm hooked on their frozen strawberry lemonade

  6. That Project Glass demo was impressive

  7. The new Android PDK is big news

  8. Almost had a heart attack when I saw my portfolio had dropped 14% on Google Finance, turns out the stock symbol for Kraft was never updated

  9. Giving the P'Zolo a try (@ Pizza Hut) http://t.co/4byQLtUv

  10. Who's the asshole that let jehovah's witnesses into the building?

  11. Who knew Sunoco offered Growler fill ups? Too bad its only in NY and SC. http://t.co/4SCS5w76

  12. Just realized I never setup any Wifi networks on my new phone, they were just there. Didn't realize Google stored those but glad they do

  13. Loving my new SIII but S voice is more of a gimmick than anything else

  14. If the Miami Heat sign Ray Allen and Steve Nash, you can go ahead and pencil them into the finals next year

  15. Was that Uncle Luke?

  16. If you leave a page unsecured, can you really say your servers have been breached? http://t.co/VU72mTUf #AmeriCash

  17. Microsoft own-brand tablet PCs a ploy to drive Windows 8 adoption, says Acer founder http://t.co/oZfkY4DM

  18. NBA Jam just went down to $.99 in the Google Play store. Looks like I'm not getting much sleep tonight.

  19. Who knew Uncle Luke was a high school coach? http://t.co/hw7q72N8 #2LiveCrew

  20. 'Dark Knight Rises' Midnight Tickets Going For $150 http://t.co/pt3tycg4

  21. Long day of looking at condos. Time to kick back and watch a movie.

  22. Even though I'll probably buy the Nexus tablet, a $70 Capacitive screen tablet might be good for development http://t.co/U9laTl1E

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