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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by _Roosevelt

  1. Can someone please explain to me why an office suite needs 2 gigs of RAM and hardware acceleration? #Office2013

  2. Can you really call yourself a "Tech Startup" if you've been around over 25 years?

  3. Impressed with the battery life on my Nexus 7. 12 hours of moderate use (including a game of Monopoly at lunch) and the battery was at 85%

  4. Somebody has way too much time on their hands http://t.co/NXEJuNEZ

  5. I'm at Peking Chinese Restaurant (Willoughby, Ohio) http://t.co/auSLx6KS

  6. I'm at Pizza Hut (North Olmsted, OH) http://t.co/8CtO4lRE

  7. I'm at Qdoba Mexican Grill (Cleveland, 44134) http://t.co/Mobsk1lE

  8. Why do they put the oldest, slowest cashier at the express checkout?

  9. I wonder if Kobe realizes that if the #DreamTeam played this Dominican Republic team the score would 60-6 by now

  10. RT @engadget Yahoo confirms server breach, over 400k accounts compromised - http://t.co/N3O5XehV

  11. With fuel prices where they are, I can't believe its still cheaper to fly from Cleveland to Baltimore than drive

  12. They don't take Discover. What kind of low rent Pizza Hut is this? (@ Pizza Hut) http://t.co/wE12NZ9r

  13. Is a retweet really worth $500? http://t.co/GmRBweuI

  14. I'm at Mr Hero (Westlake, OH) http://t.co/fUbRTPmQ

  15. Using @googlewallet to buy a Coke out of the vending machine was pretty cool

  16. Why is it every time I stay in a hotel I think about the Thanksgiving episode of 'The League'?

  17. The Skyline has a drive thru, @CGULGAS would love it here

  18. On my way to the part of Ohio most people refer to as North Kentucky

  19. I love my satellite radio, where else can you hear Cool C's 'Glamorous Life'

  20. You know times are tough when the Getgo starts selling shorties

  21. Due to Cleveland drivers inability to drive in the rain, it took me almost 2 hours to get to work this morning

  22. It is so damn hot outside, I don't even care that my car is sitting unlocked in East Cleveland

  23. Having fun building Free switch... again

  24. Wireless Emergency Alerts are a good idea but aren't useful if only a handful of phones support them

  25. ...and Google Wallet stopped working this morning

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