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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by JONBOY345

  1. RT @YourAnonNews: Is Obama Like Richard Nixon? http://t.co/oGxGl65Dnu Should go without saying at this point.

  2. "@CauseWereGuys: We have a problem with only caring for girls that don't give a fuck about us." Seriously.

  3. RT @YourAnonNews: Obama administration is "using citizenship as a weapon." v Edward Snowden.

  4. RT @CauseWereGuys: That awkward moment when a girl suddenly starts acting all dumb because there's a guy around..

  5. RT @GuyCodes: I'd rather have Samuel L Jackson narrate my life.... No offense, Morgan Freeman... My life requires multiple uses of the word…

  6. TiBa, SuperSu, Roam Control, Terminal Emulator, BusyBox Installer, One Power Guard, Smart WiFi Toggler and approx 100 others.

  7. RT @Sir_Ron_Swanson: "All men want is sex."False. We also like blowjobs and bacon.



    Lets take the Carolina - Clemson rivalry to the next level. Sign it and share it.

  9. RT @SEC_Logo: I understand why everyone is talking about Bama/A&M week 3, but don't overlook South Carolina at Georgia the week before. MON…

  10. RT @GuyCodes: If you cheat on me, you will literally never hear from my ass ever again. Ever.

  11. RT @bromustdie: @PSIFonian it's cuz you're black.

  12. RT @CauseWereGuys: Girls who actually text first >

  13. All I want is her to text me. #MakeMyDay #Please

  14. "@wheelingprobs: If she's watching the NHL Playoffs instead of the #Bachelorette.. She's a keeper." @eClar92

  15. "@GuyCodes: Don't trust girls who always hide their phone from you." Hides her phone means she's hiding something from you.

  16. With Matt, Grant (@ AMC Dutch Square 14 - @amctheatres for Fast & Furious 6 w/ 2 others) http://t.co/Te0FrywBdh

  17. Finally on the right coast.With Matt (@ Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) - @cltairport w/ 63 others) http://t.co/K9kJLTLE06

  18. People favoriting tweets from over a week ago... #wut

  19. Froyo. Ashley, Matt, Daniel (@ Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt) [pic]: http://t.co/IpWmUZJyxf

  20. Waiting to get some "BBQ". Hopefully it is somewhat comparable to BBQ back home. Kathy, Ashley, Daniel, Matt http://t.co/0iJXsgYNzG

  21. RT @Son_of_Fratter: "I'm so lost for you." #DMB

  22. Getting a 2 pound Fried Pork Chop. Because 'Murica. Ashley, Daniel, Matt (@ Iowa Machine Shed) http://t.co/VjGiB9rsVN

  23. Just posted a photo @ Gaffer's Guild Studio http://t.co/FfgDBif5KJ

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