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Status Updates posted by JONBOY345

  1. "@JungleBoi_Swagg: Only turnover of the day!! Force fumble scoop and scored!!! (Sniffs ????)" #Huntin #HardHitta #DefensiveROTY #WriteItDown

  2. RT @codesforguys: You're right, all guys are the same. It has nothing to do with you exclusively dating douchebags.

  3. Am I the only person who eats croutons like potato chips? #FatKidStruggs

  4. RT @DhavelC: A relationship like this thoughhhh>>>>> http://t.co/sTAIpbd6zw

  5. Cloweny is 6'6", Smith is like 5'8"ish. How much lower could he get running that fast? #NotMuch Officials are crazy 4 calling it targeting.

  6. "@codesforguys: True bros greet each other with an insult" @DhavelC @Mattcameronm @TwitterlessGrant

  7. RT @CockBlogger803: Steve Spurrier on ESPN on national championship talk: "We're not talking about it...our Clemson coach, he's talking abo…

  8. RT @CauseWereGuys: I laugh a little inside at guys who post mirror pictures of themselves all the time.

  9. First night of on the floor training at Red Lobster was eye opening. A lot to learn and no time to do it in.

  10. RT @ESPN_SEC: Saw where ACC officiating head said he would have ejected Clowney for Michigan hit. If so, someone needs to tell him we're no…

  11. RT @GuyCodes: Women don't even know what they want but expect us guys to somehow magically know.

  12. RT @codesforguys: "No, you're right." Said no girl ever.

  13. RT @CauseWereGuys: Girls who can't hold a conversation

  14. RT @GuyCodes: "Hey" = She's alive. "Heyy" = She likes you. "Heyyy" = She wants your dick. "Heyyyyy" = She's Wasted.

  15. Not trying to discount the value of Trayvon's life. The Black Community needs to worry about it's own problems more than it does anything.

  16. RT @SEC_Logo: What if I told you Clowney took this picture and named it "Spurrier Swag": http://t.co/tmmtDQCSls

  17. RT @antijokeapple: What's meaner than taking candy from a baby? Throwing the baby off a cliff.

  18. RT @CauseItsTheCup: Wanna hear a joke? Basketball.

  19. RT @DaboSwinneyProb: Ray Lewis' hair looks like its spray painted on. #ESPYS

  20. RT @codesforguys: I'm single but I know who I want.

  21. "@buffalobills: Congrats to #Bills CB Stephon Gilmore (@bumpnrungilm0re) on getting engaged today! http://t.co/kddcGbxB3L" #GoCocks Congrats

  22. What's the best way to spend $1,000,000? — I'd invest it. Real Estate, Stocks, etc. make my money earn money. http://t.co/WejU89DesX

  23. RT @CauseWereGuys: You have no idea how many times I've tried to tell you the truth through my jokes.

  24. "@CauseWereGuys: Never trust a girl that gets text from her ex. He's texting because he's getting a response from her." 1,000x this.

  25. Wait... Just over a month ago you said you wished you could date me... Now you're dating someone who looks like a massive tool. #WomenRCray

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