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Everything posted by iansltx

  1. RT @k8em0: https://t.co/9gfsGPMGMR

  2. Another 8.1 update came out yesterday. More modem fixes, BT 5.0, and some other stuff. Things do seem to be a bit better than I recall previously. Downtown you can hit either Sprint or Clearwire B41 and usually Clearwire is nigh useless anywhere near peak times, but tonight it was serviceable. I'll post another update the next time I'm in a CLWR-B41 area for an extended period, but it seems like Essential is finally actually getting stuff fixed (though upload speeds are still crap on B41 with lowish signals, rather than falling back to B25 or whatnot).
  3. Chinagate is real, y'all.

  4. Theory && analogy: When working colocated, communication can be UDP-ish because people will generally get what you'… https://t.co/0wbyDGeraL

  5. @orliesaurus After looking that one up...basically.

  6. @matthewtrask @ramsey It was pretty tasty. I don't have anything to compare it to yet though. This was the middle-o… https://t.co/4X1OfsK2cC

  7. Using Laravel migrations with Postgres and the JSONB data type on PHP 7.1+? Bump your platform in composer.json, th… https://t.co/3l1IfIt14B

  8. Went to a @RegalMovies (Arbor 8) last night. @drafthouse tonight. There was no good seat in the former. Every seat… https://t.co/nbIxP0Zd2n

  9. RT @cynicalsecurity: First read of the AMDFLAWS whitepaper (no real technical details given) is: “over-hyped beyond belief”. This is a whi…

  10. Playground, the VC that's funding Essential, had a startup showcase here in town for SXSW (they rented out a bar on Rainey Street for today and tomorrow). I swung by and handed my contact info to one of the folks there re: the CLWR B41 issues (the 8.1 beta, which I have installed, doesn't seem to fully fix 'em). I will absolutely install a debug build on my phone if that helps Essential figure out what the heck is wrong with their ability to talk to Clearwire towers, to the point that, if I'm having data issues, chances are I'm on a Clearwire site. Which, if I'm downtown, at one of the meetups I go to, or at a coffee shop I go to often, I am. Apparently they were selling phones there, and you got their $99 headset if you bought one on the spot. Or, turns out, if you show up and already have the phone :D. Double win for me, as my new laptop has a couple Thunderbolt 3 ports, which do double duty as USB-C. The USB-C-to-3.5mm adapter worked perfectly with the laptop under Linux, and the headset does as well, at least for audio out. As an aside, I would've absolutely paid extra at the time for a matte-back phone. I knew it before handling a phone with that color/material scheme, but seeing one in real life confirmed this. Not trading in my current phone though
  11. RT @CaseyNewton: Headed to Austin? Come to my SXSW panel, where I’ll just shout the word “blockchain” repeatedly from inside a stolen food…

  12. @TheTrentHarvey Because yolo.

  13. @troyhunt I have the 920 as well and love it :)

  14. RT @Richard_Kadrey: What the MAN doesn't want you to know https://t.co/jeGcuthVlU

  15. @MalwareTechBlog @FrankMcG @SouthwestAir 737-800s have an extra inch of legroom vs. the -700s currently in service.… https://t.co/KStWlAm34A

  16. RT @LonghornPHP: Andrew Cassell (@alc277) will be giving the talk "Immutability to Save an Ever-Changing World" at Longhorn PHP 2018 in Apr…

  17. RT @ManishEarth: Decided to write up my notes on the iOS crashing string(s) https://t.co/XwlZ3LTSWG

  18. RT @googledevs: We've released cpu_features, a small, fast, & simple open source library for determining CPU features at runtime. It can be…

  19. Going through various attack surfaces in @mbniebergall's Defensive Coding tutorial at #SunPHP18.

  20. RT @nomadphp: PHP 7.2.2 released! https://t.co/b89aLea8Du #PHP.net

  21. Hashtag Follow Friday: @diskpics

  22. @ramsey "If I have money in my bank account it burns a hole in my pocket" is what this sounds like. Me? The vast ma… https://t.co/c9pSTNw7KL

  23. @SoutheastPHP Maybe I'm the only one, but white links on a light background on the site is...a bit difficult to see.

  24. @MikoQuokka I mean, the ninth cicle is ice. So...pretty solid.

  25. @jimbojsb I need to swing by there at some point when the tots guy is actually around.

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