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Everything posted by snes

  1. Well that seems to be the issue down here: backhaul. I believe that the Miner site has backhaul ran to it, but I still haven't picked up any LTE signal from it yet (went and checked on it yesterday).
  2. Yes. You can see what has been accepted and what I've reported in the Sponsor forum. I'm not sure what I can state in this forum as far as acceptance goes, so I'll just leave that information out. There is a lot of activity in the far southeast area, but no signs of LTE yet. Basically every site, except for one, I've seen at least new cabinets installed. I haven't looked north to see if there's been any progress where you live or Scott City or Benton in between.
  3. Yes, its the central tower next to the Fire Department and Water Treatment Plant. All 3 towers in the area have the new panels and base cabinets. None are broadcasting LTE though.
  4. I meant to post this earlier. Turns out that Sprint is the second set of panel racks on this tower, in case anyone was interested.
  5. I'd like to see if anyone can answer this also. I'm seeing it a lot more lately. It's like the service is rapidly resetting itself.
  6. Yeah, its a Sprint site. I should also say that this is the only site in the Sikeston area that I do not see signs of NV. I was out at one site today and they were installing the tower equipment and the other has been 3G accepted. So I'm assuming we should see work here shortly.
  7. Me either. I know judging from the base that the tower has AT&T, Verizon and Sprint racks. I'm assuming T-Mobile too considering the number of racks. I believe this is the only tower that is within city limits and is on city property. They like money. Here's a better picture of the site.
  8. Hello all. I'm not sure where I should post this question, so please excuse me if it is in the wrong place. This is a picture of the megatower in the middle of my town. Which one of these racks is Sprints? I believe it is the one on the top, but I'm fairly new to tower stalking and I'm not really sure. Thanks.
  9. White trucks have been at a local Sprint tower at least 2 days in the last week. I'm in Sikeston, MO (Southeast Missouri where 55 and 57 meet) and the tower is the one located off of US 60. I'm assuming that I can't put what number that tower is since this is not a sponsor forum. Unfortunately, I can not say what they were doing since the tower is off the highway up a gravel road and I was too chicken to drive up there and check. I ran speed tests and they seem about normal for the area (~200 ping times, .5down) and I only have an iPhone 5 and Bold 9930 so I can't really conduct any further tests. Is this a good sign for the beginning of Network Vision hitting our area?
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