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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. A soothing north wind has come upon the Kansas City area today, sending the iDEN nonsense south so that the almighty Southern Company can deal with it. The winds of change are afoot... Mr. Hesse, tear down that network! AJ
  2. The Sprint native network is like a body, but you cannot think of it as following the standard anthropomorphic form. The head, the arms, the legs -- they can be anywhere in the network. However, the poop chute definitely is Baton Rouge. AJ
  3. No, you are correct. I was skimming, saw the "30..." and kept going, thinking 30 dBm, not 300 mW. So, that limits AWS-2 H block mobiles to 24.75 dBm. A few other thoughts... The mobile EIRP limit will not affect many handsets, but it may restrict hotspot power output. This is another reason why Sprint -- even if it wins substantial H block spectrum -- will not scrap the G block 5 MHz FDD carrier for a single 10 MHz FDD carrier anytime soon. Lastly, should Sprint acquire H block licenses, the rural buildout crusaders may get some satisfaction... AJ
  4. From a technical standpoint, prima facie, the only difference I see between PCS/AWS-2 H block and PCS A-F block rules is that AWS mobiles are limited to 1 W (30 dBm) EIRP, while PCS mobiles are limited to 2 W (33 dBm) EIRP. Since battery constrained mobiles rarely approach either limit, that criterion is largely academic. But much to the chagrin of those of you who want to call this the "PCS" H block, it will probably be more appropriately classified the AWS-2 H block. As for construction requirements, each BEA issued license will have a five year, 40 percent POPs interim benchmark, followed by a 10 year, 75 percent POPs final benchmark. Compared to construction requirements for other PCS and AWS-1 licenses, both of those are fairly strict benchmarks for 10 MHz BEA (i.e. small to medium size) licenses. AJ
  5. The HTC One, sadly, has a broken EV-DO engineering screen. My guess is that it is due to the loss of SVDO. But CDMA1X and LTE engineering screens work properly. So, the EV-DO engineering fields do not present valid data. Band class 3, by the way, is limited to Japan. And I trust that you are not in Japan. Plus, the Sprint variant HTC One does not support band class 3 anyway. AJ
  6. No, millions of current Sprint LTE devices that do not support the H block would prevent that for many years to come. AJ
  7. Let me guess, have you switched over from the HTC EVO LTE to the HTC One? AJ
  8. Basically, everyone loves Raymond, and everyone hates Robert (but not our Robert). AJ
  9. Actually, they are fountains. Along with Paris, Kansas City is the city of fountains. As for ballparks, my dad and I have been to games in quite a few current and (in some cases, sadly) defunct/deceased MLB venues: Kauffman Stadium -- Kansas City "New" Busch Stadium -- St. Louis Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome -- Minnesota Dodgers Stadium -- Los Angeles Candlestick Park -- San Francisco O.co Coliseum -- Oakland Great American Ballpark -- Cincinnati Tiger Stadium -- Detroit "Old" Yankee Stadium -- New York Shea Stadium -- New York Fenway Park -- Boston Wrigley Field -- Chicago Safeco Field -- Seattle Three Rivers Stadium -- Pittsburgh US Cellular Field -- Chicago Progressive Field -- Cleveland Now, for those "waterfalls," don't go chasing them... ...that will get you kicked out of the ballpark. AJ
  10. Lest anyone think that computer viruses cannot be transmitted to humans, I offer up this affliction. Since the rise of Web based message boards about a decade ago, "lose/loose" has become a pandemic. Many of you are going to die -- of poor writing. AJ
  11. But Sprint's native + roaming coverage map is at least the equal of and arguably superior to those of VZW and AT&T because Sprint has the widest roaming agreements in the industry. Unlike VZW and AT&T, Sprint does not shy away from providing roaming coverage on its competitors. So, I do not quite see your point. I agree that most potential wireless subs already live in Sprint markets. But what turns many of them off is Sprint coverage within those markets. For that discussion, see a post that I wrote yesterday in this very thread: AJ
  12. You should rescind the above statement. If you are one of those fools who thinks that President Obama is an Islamic socialist or that socialism is an evil four letter word, then I will take you to task. But S4GRU tries not to engage in political discussion, as it just leads to acrimony. AJ
  13. You accuse me of a double standard. Well, my point is that VZW and AT&T deserve a different standard because of their RBOC natural monopoly advantage. They would disagree, but they erroneously think that the market by itself efficiently chooses winners and losers in this case. AJ
  14. Try this analogy. If Walmart and Kmart are already in a market of small towns, does it make sense for Target to expand into that market, too? What if having three, four, five competitors subdivides the market so much that it is no longer profitable for any competitor? Is that a desirable result? This is more and more why I believe that our wireless network -- at the very least, in rural areas -- should be nationalized. Then, let countless wireless operators buy capacity on that national network. AJ
  15. They are the freaking spawn of Ma Bell -- the biggest monopoly ever broken up in this country. Do you think it coincidence that the two biggest RBOCs are now the two biggest wireless operators? Do you actually think it is because of their superior vision and direction or because of their regional monopoly money over the past 30 years? AJ
  16. No, go back and read my previous post. A pro big business previous administration that could not see the forest for the trees and allowed the two biggest children of Ma Bell to acquire anti competitive market share in the new telephone paradigm is PATHETIC. And your attitude that Sprint must be self sufficient under those anti competitive circumstances is PATHETIC. AJ
  17. Nope, I do not think that will ever happen to the extent that some of you hope. I have said this time and again, but you have to realize that VZW and AT&T (arguably, collusively) bought up a quarter century of Cellular 850 MHz deployment. Sprint cannot compete with that, probably not ever. It is akin to allowing Ford to buy out the Interstate Highway System, then expecting GM to construct its own national highway system in parallel. AJ
  18. VZW has announced no plans to refarm Cellular 850 MHz, only PCS 1900 MHz. And that comes as no surprise. Cellular 850 MHz regulations include strict geographic area coverage requirements. With current site density, LTE is not going to cut it. Loss of coverage would mean a violation of VZW's license terms and/or a contraction of VZW's licensed area. So, EV-DO may fall by the wayside sooner rather than later, but expect CDMA1X to stick around until roughly 2020. And that should present little disruption to Sprint roaming, since few Sprint PRLs enable EV-DO roaming on VZW anyway. AJ
  19. The end is nigh. Hundreds of thousands of iDENites are huddled in churches, synagogues, and temples, trembling with fear, expecting the apocalypse. Others have renounced wireless and headed for the hills of West Virginia to live out the rest of their days in the National Radio Quiet Zone. And some stand on rooftops, precipices, and soon to be decommissioned towers, waiting to jump and be caught by PTT angels swooping down from the heavens at midnight. AJ
  20. Hey, at the very least, you have outdoor baseball now. Your masses of fans used to drive down I-35 here for outdoor baseball, and the Twins were good, making the situation insufferable for Royals fans in their own stadium. AJ
  21. Tony, both teams from Kansas City -- the Royals and Sprint -- socked it to you tonight. AJ
  22. Here you go, guys, the FCC Report and Order for the PCS/AWS-2 H block rules. 126 pages. You have your weekend reading. The quiz will be first thing on Monday. http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-13-88A1.pdf AJ
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