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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. The issue is that I have an upcoming article to be published on a fairly well known tech site. I cannot spill all the beans on this subject. So, I play coy... AJ
  2. If the intelligence "bell curve" is a Gaussian function, then the mean and median should be equivalent. AJ
  3. The easy answer to that question is that one of the big three -- T-Mobile -- is living on borrowed time, and the other two -- VZW and AT&T -- are living off the fat of their wireline monopoly turned wireless duopoly. As you suggest, average consumers are not aware of these sorts of things, but in a free market, it is their responsibility to know. Otherwise, they potentially harm the free market and their own purchasing choices going forward. AJ
  4. I understand that, and do not get me wrong, we are on the same page regarding the Embarq spin off. In hindsight, it was a misstep. But, as the saying goes, let bygones be bygones. Can you appreciate how it has no current relevance to Network Vision nor to Shentel? AJ
  5. I am sorry, but that is crock. You are bringing up what was spun off fully seven years ago?! What in the world does that have to do with Network Vision? Nothing. Network Vision was not even a concept back in 2006. And Sprint still has a national fiber backbone, just not the local fiber that it once did. AJ
  6. What are you talking about? You do realize that Sprint does not have that much local fiber any longer. That shipped sailed when Embarq was spun off. AJ
  7. Maybe I should have used high school biology instead. You know, those who could barely understand anything beyond "penis" and "vagina." AJ
  8. Unless public outlook changes, the unwashed masses will continue to riot without critical thinking, while S4GRU will be the last bastion of positive, objective Sprint sentiment, a bit like the Curator of the Ark of the Arts... AJ
  9. Absolutely. VZW has had dual band CDMA1X 850/1900 networks for years. This is nothing new, guys. AJ
  10. What "bars"? SignalCheck Pro provides signal strength figures in dBm units. No one is disputing the value of that. But the hoi polloi, who could barely pass high school chemistry, would see those negative sign metrics and emit a collective, "HUH?!" AJ
  11. True to an extent, but the respective scopes of the jobs are different to a far, far greater extent. Give Shentel credit, but do not go overboard. After all, wherever Shentel is providing its own backhaul, it largely controls its own destiny. AJ
  12. Idle state mobiles camped on CDMA1X 800 do not increase the carrier loading at all. They are just "there." AJ
  13. No ideas necessary. Perfunctory "signal bars" have long been based on CDMA1X signal, not on EV-DO nor LTE signal. What do you want, two, three, or even four sets of "signal bars"? AJ
  14. No, I would call it a little bit of perspective, just as I had to offer some notable tech press on Twitter earlier today. I am equating "repainting" and "remodeling" -- they are logically similar but on different scales. Now, try this analogy: have a child repaint the doorframe, while an adult remodels the whole house. Who finishes first? AJ
  15. Think of it like this. Essentially, Shentel is repainting one doorframe, while Sprint is remodeling the whole house. AJ
  16. My prediction for idle state tri band LTE UEs is that network priority will go LTE 1900 > TD-LTE 2600 > LTE 800. EARFCN 8665/26665 LTE 1900 in the PCS G block will be the same center frequency and carrier bandwidth everywhere across the country. TD-LTE may always be the same carrier bandwidth, but it will likely vary in center frequency. And LTE 800 will be a crapshoot -- different center frequency, different carrier bandwidth, or even not available -- per market. AJ
  17. Is that Keyshawn? C'mon, man, does anybody actually listen to what he says? AJ
  18. Yep. Shentel around your neck of the woods is already very far along in its Network Vision upgrades, including both LTE 1900 and CDMA1X 800. AJ
  19. In the FCC ULS, SMR 800 MHz is separated into several different service codes. Only one those service codes, YH, is for rebanded SMR 800 MHz spectrum. That is the data that Anthony pulled down. If no rebanded licenses have been issued, then his data does not reflect that Sprint holds unrebanded YC/YF/YG service code spectrum that will be converted to YC in due time. Eric, since you are in LA, this is for you... http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=8347 That is only one of many, but proof that Sprint still holds active SMR 800 MHz licenses in those markets. AJ
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