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Everything posted by TheBuie

  1. RT @SlimJay_ FACTS. RT @Aftashok: top notch hoes get the most, not the lesser....

  2. RT @Missundast00d I can be such a creep

  3. All they do is rhyme words, such typical rappers...

  4. Kratos be fucking these hoes.

  5. then again, maybe they have big things in mind.

  6. north korea been reading too many of our twitter jokes.

  7. in case you were wondering, Kratos is still pretty bad ass.

  8. her terrible tweets have returned to my TL.

  9. RT @PamGrier Ebert, fighting cancer again, cuts back on reviewing http://t.co/nXNp2Xdomr via @USATODAY

  10. wow bruh i'm already gonna get fucked on taxes for all the OT.. now if the OT comes in an entirely separate deposit!? saknedkjlanjnzs

  11. nigga make a song bout your people then he thinks he can participate in "The Game"

  12. RT @CouldBeAlex Carl Thomas was a sad nigga bruh

  13. RT @Da1nOnlyCMart Reggie Miller and Chris Webber commentating at the same time

  14. Request DM archive: [yes] [NO]

  15. coon. RT @FemaleSovereign I wonder when I can start using my vacation days.

  16. you can't smoke weed on mars? but you can in Amsterdam?

  17. No longer getting 4G at my job on Weston Pkwy .. since like Saturday (,-_-)
  18. meanwhile... hoping y'all getting y'all daily fiber

  19. chick getting fingered on the megabus

  20. promise i looked at my TL for 15 seconds and these fucking pictures. no. NO

  21. i don't fuck with baseball until October... and even then...kinda.

  22. hmmm we're tryna scoop up Domenik Hixon.. that's not terrible. compete for the number 3 spot w/ Ginn.. plus he's relatively tall

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