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Everything posted by TheBuie

  1. RT @AP Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer has died after shooting on campus; shooter at large: http://t.co/L7DhWKSdJw -SS

  2. A WNBA player is gay... yea.. see.. not exactly like an NBA player going public...

  3. Start to make sense and quit playing these love gaaaaaaaames...

  4. pretty decent looking bootleg for Oblivion

  5. And yes I realize that's where I fucked up, browsing my facebook feed.

  6. I see some of the stupidest stories while browsing my facebook feed.

  7. most recent star trek trailer... geez only one month away http://t.co/WfxWzKTHPo

  8. damn T-Mac was killin in China cuh

  9. Who watches The Watchmen?

  10. damn. shit's fucked up.

  11. all you can do. and if they don't let u live yu log off til GoT comes on

  12. xbox legitimately tripping. still.

  13. Loving a lie, not realizing in Adam all die.

  14. Hi my name is Teddy, unfortunately y'all don't know me....

  15. RT @SamuelRahsaan I came to Twitter for love.

  16. Gannicus bout to go into Wolverine mode

  17. i got foodstamps, the whole team got foodstamps.

  18. Don't jack off to her twerk video, bro. Or at least don't tell her.

  19. A Time to Cajun Filet Biscuit

  20. that's perfect. talking carefully. Captain Kirk talked careful as fuck

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