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Everything posted by Austrie

  1. Just wondering, do you notice faster 3G speeds in Atlanta than St.Thomas or are they the same?
  2. All now I should be getting 0.30 - 0.40 Mbps, but I'm getting ~0.90Mbps; big difference.
  3. My peak speeds I get at certain hours havent increased but I get peak speeds more often through the day than before, so I don't have to wait till 6am to watch movies, I can watch it anytime(except during the daily slow down hours in my area which is 8pm to 11pm)
  4. I was meaning to post off my phone early saying how my call quality and data has been flunctuating today, but I didn't have data to do it; I just had to hard reboot just to get back data.
  5. Have anybody in St.Thomas, or the VI in general, been noticing signal fluncuation and constant 1x to 3G switching latetly?
  6. Anybody in the St.Thomas, have you seen any physical activity by their cell towers/stations? Or do you not need physicsl labor to fire up backhaul? I haven't seen any in a while.
  7. No news on the VI? I thought LTE was supposed to be here by around Feb 2013, or do that only account for NV?
  8. Speeds got worst for me, my data speeds during busy hours used to be around 0.30mbps but now its 0.07mbs almost all the time now. The sprint representative told me NV is finish in st.Thomas, so why is my data speeds so horrible?!
  9. Lmao, my mistake. Anyways, I called back the number and she said they're only doing 3G first and that 4G might/will(forgot which one she said) come in 2 to 3 months. If that's the case then they shouldn't count the vi and PR as the same market, seeing that vi isn't getting LTE for a while, while the PR is almost fully complete. They're only related by NV but not LTE progress.
  10. Either there is less traffic today(weird since today is Saturday, most people are active on Saturday) or some of the towers near smithbay have started fully working, I'm getting speeds that I would only get at late-night/EARLY-morning. Also I was wondering, why is speeds so unstable? I would be downloading something, and the speeds would jump around from 0.60mbs to 2mbs to 1mbs then to 3mbs in less than a minuteminute, I know its partly because of other users in the area randomly using data but still. Also, while typing that last sentence I got a call from Sprint Wireless saying their new system should be working and we should give it 48 hours to start fully working, and that we won't be experiencing anymore dropped calls or signal failure. Im pretty sure they're talking about NV being completed, I wonder if they will still be giving us LTE...
  11. All I want is at least 1Mbs at all hours of the day, I won't even rush sprint for LTE at all till summer(that's when I upgrade my phone). 1Mbs is livable enough to watch videos, but when my speeds drop to 0.15Mbs that's just sad. Hopefully I'll be moving back to Houston, TX soon, l have to look up LTE coverage for over there.
  12. Thank you for the info. Hopefully we get LTE, Sprint 3G isn't good enough. Speeds at 1 - 3.5Mbs at night/early morning, and 0.30Mbs every other time isn't good enough. I thought the word "sprint" meant going fast...
  13. So its st.Thomas fault speeds suck? Elaborate on the part about the backhaul, still kinda new to these terms.
  14. Hmm I know I saw the phone connected to 4G, though it might have been false(Phone software might have been lying about being connected). Why didn't sprint bring wimax down here? Is it because wimax was expensive(Last time i checked, wimax is more expensive than LTE, even though LTE is better) and they didn't see profit of bring wimax in this area?
  15. Back in 2011 or 2012 I was using a friends HTC Evo 4G on sprint and it had 4G working.
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