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Everything posted by TNBRITT

  1. If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain.

  2. “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”

  3. Too funny and catchy as hell. Love this song and video. THREE LOCO feat. DIPLO - "WE ARE FARMERS" http://t.co/tLatL8QHIF

  4. I just endorsed @RaphaelLove as Generous on TrustCloud! https://t.co/nyWQw7D2B6

  5. I just used #Shazam to tag Cruise by Florida Georgia Line Feat. Nelly. http://t.co/0omnkQ3pwZ

  6. Plenty of Awesomeness by @cendrinemedia: Can't make your bed? This woman has the solution! http://t.co/naZeA2moiy

  7. Rain rain go away.

  8. Interesting! RT @FactsInYourFace: People are happiest during 7:30pm on Saturday night.

  9. Lmao. “@Scalf_: lolwut? RT “@room0nfire: What http://t.co/K38dGigEZ9””

  10. The fake accents (of those pretending to have accents) on #RedWidow are making it difficult to understand them. But so far so good.

  11. Check out It's Time To See Other People from 15 Hilariously Bad Breakup Texts http://t.co/G4zPzzhbL3 via @DailyPixMe

  12. Were you jailbroken? I took the jailbreak off my 4S and afterwards checked my PRL and it was still 4394.
  13. Harlem Shake Frontier Flight 157 (CC Wasabi Ultimate): http://t.co/84MX7pi6CN via @youtube

  14. Spurs Sports & Entertainment Harlem Shake http://t.co/qF9drGqivg via @youtube

  15. Lol. “@FactsInYourFace: Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are the 3 days of the year when Americans watch the least amount of pornography.”


    #BULLYEFFECT - RT “@beaSTARalliance: Will you join us in the movement 2 end bullying in our generation? #bullyeffect http://t.co/xmLtHDC5Kj”


  17. According to @TrustCloud, my TrustScore just went up 2 points to 757. How's yours? https://t.co/nyWQw7D2B6

  18. What a #ClusterFuck of a day it's been. Just one thing after another.

  19. Today is for the birds. Work is very tiresome right now.

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