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Everything posted by icethegreat69

  1. RT @Sarcasm_Machine: McDonalds should have a 3rd window where you can trade in the wrong stuff that they gave you at the 2nd window.

  2. RT @Sarcasm_Machine: Warren Buffett is worth $53.5 billion, or roughly 8 lbs of Whole Foods guacamole.

  3. RT @MensHumor: You know you're desperate for an answer when you look on the second page of google.

  4. RT @Sarcasm_Machine: What if extra-terrestrials think our movies are real and they're just waiting for Will Smith to die before they invade?

  5. WITNESS ME MIAMI...RT @espn: LeBron’s celebration face needs a headline. Tweet yours with #AXEFaceHeadlines, and we'll call out the best

  6. RT @MensHumor: "No, you're right." Said no woman ever.

  7. Check out this cool giveaway from Samsung and Tom's Hardware! http://t.co/dtKLjBJQID

  8. This just in! @MiamiHEAT weakness: Rest.

  9. Yea I know, which is weird that they would announce a soft launch in wpb when I think Miami is a lot more ahead... (I assume) Sent from my Deck'd EVO 4G LTE
  10. PR RT @Marlins: Predict Game 3 winner – PR vs. Italy using #MarlinsWBC to be eligible to win a signed ball from an ’09 @WBCBaseball team!

  11. Just fresh from the presses http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/11/sprint-leak-has-lte-reaching-los-angeles-april-12/ Sent from my Deck'd EVO 4G LTE
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