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Bob Newhart

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Posts posted by Bob Newhart

  1. That is a shame its on the GS3 too, I was hoping that it wasn't.


    On the GNex today, wifi disabled, came out of a building, got a signal, no data. Went into Starbucks, connected to Wifi, disconnected Wifi, then 3G data came back.


    Is it a bug on the EVO too?

  2. Let us know if you bump into the same 'no data bug'.

    This shows up when you go somewhere with no signal, then go somewhere with a signal. The data doesn't turn back on.


    I still have a lot of the $50 google wallet left, I have used it in Jack in the Box and McDonalds, sometimes doesn't work.

  3. It wouldn't have made a difference with Sprint in the past if they did implement EVDO RevB or anything else if they kept feeding their towers with T1s. Look at what they did with Rev0/A, you can't even get max EVDO speeds right now... :)


    It is the same as me installing 802.11ac in my house and only having 1.5 Mbps DSL..... I still have 1.5 Mbps DSL.

    • Like 1
  4. Saw a GSIII for the first time today, compared it with the G Nexus.


    The GSIII signal strength is a LOT stronger, makes the phone useable in places where the Nexus is not.

    I don't like the GSIII's UI at all. I do like the reboot option on the power button menu.


    One feature I do like is the ability to disable international roaming while keeping domestic roaming enabled, I would use that feature a lot. When I go to and near Canada, I disable data roaming if I'm anywhere near. Since SMS text messages are included at no extra cost, I can still use my phone, voice when I need it too. Is that feature in Jelly Bean?

  5. This is exactly what I was talking about. He didn't get that? :scratch:


    I get that the Airave can be used for 1x/3g data aswell as wifi. Do you get that I get that you got that? :jester: :wiggle:


    People who live in poor signal areas use Airaves for voice and background data.

    Data on my phone that gets downloaded in the background, such as PlayStore updates. I have not changed that to use Wifi only.

  6. And we know that Airave owners already have an ISP, it makes more sense to use your WiFi.


    The airave stops your battery going dead, a good reason to have an airave, even if you use the wifi for data, or even if you don't even use your phone and its just in your pocket.


    You still need an Airave for text messages (unless you use the google voice app) and incoming (atleast) voice calls.


    If the Airave supported LTE, that might also extend the life of the battery, especially if your real LTE signal comes and goes, in and out if you're on the edge of the service area. This is something I'm not looking forward to see the affects of when LTE is turned on where I live.

  7. Setting up an Airave is really easy and requires no modification of your main router's settings. No forwarding settings are needed.


    Plug the WAN port of the Airave into a LAN port of your main router, that is it.

    Do not plug anything into a LAN port of the Airave.


    You sometimes will have to reset the Airave, push in the small reset button.

  8. My wife had the same issue last night where it would not connect to mobile data at all on her EVO LTE. However, it came back after a hard reboot.


    I have this issue on the G-Nexus too every few days. I usually only have to go into the data setting, disable mobile data, then re-enable.

  9. I found the root metrics application to be better than the Sensorly one. It runs in the foreground only, so you always know when its running. The Sensorly one morphed into being not user friendly.


    The coverage maps on Sprints (and others of course) are vague and confusing on purpose. Different shades of green, for roaming and non-roaming. They should use colours such as shades of green for Sprint signals and any other colour under the rainbow for roaming, any other colour.


    Sprint's are quite accurate though, a lot more than the other cell phone companies.

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