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Everything posted by blakebaa

  1. Very educational video. Not mine, but this helped me understand a lot more. Also, he says "2003" but means "2013". it has not happened yet, so this video is a year behind. But still, good video.
  2. Totally off topic, but I am glad to see this thread being used again. There was a 2-week period when only like 5 posts were made... D: So yay!!! Anyways... I am not the person who knows much about towers. So what is this "800 site" thing? Is it a faster spectrum?
  3. Wow, just saw that! That is a bigger area than I expected them to put on there! Now they need to get the little areas put on there!
  4. You should switch your server on the speed test to Minnetonka.
  5. This is a video of what type of 3G speeds I get. The first tests were messed up, because my phone was still somewhat booting up. Also, I am 16, so yes, I am a "kid".
  6. These are the 3G speeds I get in Willmar. I guess they are alright. (The time is GMT, which is 12:18A.M. central time)
  7. Some awesome speeds! I have only seen speeds like that at like 3 A.M. Let's hope that is what is will be like throughout the whole day!
  8. And it will still get faster, hopefully up to 10+ Mbps! Just give it time, and it will be 10x faster than your home internet!
  9. Cross out what I said before about 3G guys! The tower I usually connect to went down all of friday, until around 8 P.M. I was so mad I didn't have 3G.. But then... A miracle happened... POOF! 3G was back on. So, being me, I speed test it. 2.4 down 1.12 up!!! I was like... OMGUIAWHIDUEHAIUHEIUFHSH! So, this being said, we finally got the network vision/3G upgrade in my area. I have not going under .90 down, and I only got .9 because i just rebooted my phone. I am now averaging 1.6 - 2! Loving it soo much!!
  10. What ever happened to Thursday being the "Big day"? Also, my 3G speeds have actually been decreasing lately. I live in the willmar area, and we have 3 data upgrades and 2 voice upgrades. No changes in speed. Still get the average .18-.25 down and .6-.7 up.
  11. Going down to the cities tomorrow! Still stuck on WiMAX...
  12. I have been checking the network.sprint.com site every now and then, Willmar has gotten 3 upgrades in like 2 weeks! I am becoming pretty happy with their service lately! On 3G, just 30 minutes ago around 2:30-2:40, I got 3.1mbps down and 1.2 up!
  13. The LTE in the Kandiohi/Willmar area has grown! We are now one of the larger spots on Sensorly! (Beside the Metro area) I am super excited to get my LTE capable device! Awesome work Sprint!
  14. I was on my way home from school today when I saw a brand new tower coming up in Willmar! Hoping it is Sprint LTE, but it could be another T-Mobile since we only have 1 or 2 towers. T-Mobiles speeds are 1.75 down 1 up. Not good for a 4G technology. Especially when I look at the other T-Mobile speeds in other towns. Anyways, I just hope to see a more solid signal around here and eventually get it throughout the whole state! It has been interesting watching where Sprint puts their new sites up. The site nearest to me (5-8 miles) is in a town of 3,000. Instead of mine having 25,000. But, I do know it is up to the tower/building owners as well. But, since tomorrow seems to be the hot day for new towers, I just hope to see more purple on sensorly around here! I am actually also excited for the stronger/faster 3G speeds since in my highschool I only get 3-5 bars of roaming... When I am on the upper level though, I get 1-2 bars of normal 3G. Anyways, just hoping this new tower is sprint! They have the base of it up all ready!
  15. Not much happened this week. But let's hope with nicer weather this next week as we get closer to spring more and more towers will be put up and we will have solid LTE throughtout MN!
  16. Today is the day when a lot of towers are usually turned on! Let's hope a bunch are!
  17. I am mad too, i have LTE available, but no LTE device... >.<
  18. I don't have an LTE device, so I cannot speed test it. Sorry. :/
  19. Thanks for the info! And, I do not have a LTE capable device so I will not be able to go check out the tower. Sorry. But, when I do get one I hope it is even closer to my house!
  20. Only problem, I dont have an LTE device. I am getting one in december, maybe earlier.
  21. It shows you can only get 1 bar max. It is a very faint signal. Is there a tower nearby that i do not know about?
  22. As some of you know, I live in Willmar MN. I was looking at sensorly today and I see purple in Kandiohi, like 10 minutes from my house! Idk if this is wrong or what this is...
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