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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. Yeah, you can switch it to use 3G / EVDO only to avoid the drain from all the tower switching/scanning... Bit of a hassle but better than taking such a massive battery life hit or not having data at all. I imagine wifi cuts in and out too as you move thru campus.
  2. Different times and network conditions? I wouldn't expect 39Mb to be anywhere near the norm, loaded network or otherwise... That's like best case scenario speeds, line of sight to the upper kinda situation.
  3. I really wouldn't expect tech support to know much of anything about network updates to be honest... Overall I'm sure Puerto Rico's super dense population (way higher than many of the bigger US cities in phase 1 or 2) and lackluster broadband options have played a role in all the wireless companies investing early here (I've noticed a lot of people forsaking cable/DSL lately and just paying for wireless modems/mifi's/hotspot devices), PR's varied landscape also makes a good testing ground for them. Unfortunately I really haven't enjoyed much of Sprint's LTE so far since it's pretty scarce in the metro area where I live, work, and study, and the LTE speeds I've seen for AT&T are usually pretty good around the same spots (5-10Mb even in semi crowded areas, haven't run a test on an AT&T phone in an absolutely packed spot like a bar or whatever tho)... I'm still optimistic judging by the progress Sprint has made elsewhere in the island tho. I used to be with AT&T, I'm in no hurry to deal with their awful service and even more awful policies again. Sprint would have to screw up their rollout in a big way thru the rest of the year for me to even think about it, and even then I'd probably look at T-Mobile first. Haven't had a big issue with dropped calls myself either but I barely talk on the phone (they could take mobile to mobile away and I'd survive, on their lowest tier plan).
  4. I should've added that it doesn't make a difference whether the Airave transmits EVDO or LTE since it's just feeding your broadband's connection to the phone via either interface, if you have a great broadband connection I guess EVDO would turn into a bottleneck of sorts but if you pay for broadband you can surely afford a Wifi router anyway. What's curious is that the phone prioritizes the Airave's "3G" connection over LTE, tho I guess it's not surprising since relieving network congestion is one of the reasons the Airave exists... It just turns into a hassle when you have downright mediocre broadband.
  5. No, hence why I have to shut it down in order to test LTE inside the house, otherwise the phone prioritizes it over any outside signal.
  6. Can't even get a tenth of that with my DSL at home right now, heh... Think I'm gonna seriously start looking at cable this week. I've finally moved the Airave back in the chain so I can disconnect it without breaking the connection between router and modem, gonna start shutting it down and doing some LTE tests even if signal strength's terrible for now... Even with a borderline signal it's been good for 2-3Mb outside, just not sure how well it's propagating inside past walls etc.
  7. Inside Plaza? Hah, you're lucky if you get any kinda signal at all in there... And it's not just Sprint either. Take that complaint up with the Fonalledas! I wouldn't expect any kind of improvement at all in there tbh.
  8. Yeah there's no LTE whatsoever yet around there, closer to Bayamon it's popping up tho.
  9. Spare batteries aren't very expensive online, I've had zero issues with automatic time in the metro area on my EVO 4G LTE. Saw some LTE today while eating at the strip mall next to Suchville but signal strength was weaker than at home (sub 1Mb speeds).
  10. Hah, nice, I've probably seen you at some point then. Is the whole mall fed from the same antenna? Can't say I've seen LTE at the BK yet and I eat there maybe once a week. I'm now getting LTE consistently outside my house tho, but signal's fairly weak, -110dBm or higher... No clue what site I'm being served from, still good for a consistent 0.5Mb down/up tho. This is in Tintillo, right over the Buchanan hill (literally, pretty deep into Tintillo, right before the hill that separates us from the base). Edit: I'm not complaining btw, max bandwith may be crap but it still feels way more responsive than EVDO as far as basic browsing, I'm pumped for the progress they're making and can't wait until closer sites are added.
  11. There's a big Sprint store in San Patricio, how about some LTE there please? At least 3G seems to be improved, had been unusable during lunch rush and whatnot. I use Claro's Wifi there for the most part but I dunno how long I'll have access to that if I end up switching ISP at home.
  12. I used to not get a signal thru most of the house, hence the Airave I've got, but I think it's gotten better... I need to disconnect the Airave and check it out. Lately I've had nearly all bars outside the house and I'm not losing my connection on the calle 8 anymore (the one that runs parallel to the park's street). Data handoff from the Airave seems slower than ever tho, unless I'm toggling stuff on and off manually. Anyway, as far as LTE goes I was getting like 2.5mbps outside the house earlier today, I'm pretty sure I wasn't connected to the same LTE tower as I was for voice... Haven't checked inside the house since, like I said, I need to disconnect the Airave for that. It's getting to the point where it's gonna be worth doing, which is nice (as far as Sprint goes anyway, either that or a testament to how bad my DSL's gotten... it's actually started to affect voice call quality, ugh).
  13. It would actually be a very big deal... Broadband in a lot of areas of Puerto Rico is abysmal compared to most of the US, it's slowly getting better but LTE deployment by three different mobile carriers seems to be moving far faster. Lemme give you some scenarios, until very recently the cable company that served most of the metro area had a terrible 40GB bandwith cap per month... Copious HD streaming or downloading two or three PC games would have you blasting past that limit. Even if you're good with the cap, I don't think they've ever offered more than 5 or 6mbps speeds. Thankfully they're being bought/merged with a more pro-active company and the first thing they did was remove the bandwith cap, so I'm . Then you've got DSL, which is what I've currently got... It used to be decent, reliable and uncapped, it's gone to hell over the last year as they install fiber in some parts of the island and re-route coax from others... If you're in an area with fiber I'm sure it's great, but if you're not (like me) you're stuck with 2Mbps speeds, mayyybe 4Mbps if you're close enough to a node (apparently I'm no longer close enough after some of their work and I've been bumped down). Don't even get me started on pricing... So yeah, even a weak LTE signal at home would be a huge blessing from Sprint. I just got home and I noticed that for the second time ever the LTE connection is still up even as I sit in my driveway, getting like 2.5Mbps. I'm gonna have to test it inside but if it holds up and my DSL woes continue I might actually be better off disconnecting my Airave, go figure. The US level of broadband might pale in comparison to some countries, but it could be worse, don't take it for granted.
  14. Hmm, I live in Tintillo but I wouldn't be surprised if I never get LTE inside the house since my street is like downhill in a hole basically... Coming out of the urbanization tho I haven't seen it switch over to LTE again since that day, but I was at the stoplight today and toggled airplane mode and that did the trick. Soon as I started driving away from Bayamon it dropped to 3G again... In fact, it dropped to 3G when I stopped at the next light which is basically directly under a cell site (the one on the building next to the Domino's, after the gas stations). At least my 3G doesn't drop anymore around that area, that had been happening a lot while driving thru that stretch. @miguelfp That's awesome news about la Poli! Tho closer to Plaza I'm still not seeing any (not inside Plaza clearly as that's just a black hole, are they purposely avoiding installing repeaters?).
  15. That's cool egonadrian, you go by there often? Just curious if it's been switching on and off or if something's wrong on my end, or if maybe the site isn't the one I'm thinking of and it's just further into Bayamon and I just happened to get some far reaching signal the other day.
  16. Nice thread, gonna have to start digging back thru it... I hadn't spotted any LTE in the Guaynabo area I move around in, closer to Bayamon; or near Plaza las Americas / Hato Rey... That is, until yesterday, my phone randomly found an LTE tower on the carretera #2, by Suchville (right before Bayamon, near a police station); saw it connect on the way out of home and on the way in... I was driving and didn't have time to run a speed test tho, drove by there today but it didn't find any, not sure if they're testing or what, I did get a screenshot of the settings page where it shows an IP or whatever.
  17. Wow, that's awesome, and I'm very jealous heh... I noticed LTE in the metro area yesterday, for the first time ever, but it was very brief... Not sure if it's a test site or what. Driving out of my home, along carretera #2 - corner of Suchville (near the police station, between Bayamon & Guaynabo). My phone connected on the way out and again on the way in, held the LTE connection even as I got home (further away from that street corner) but eventually lost it, didn't even have time to do a Speedtest because I didn't have the app installed and I was driving anyway. I did take a screenshot of the 4G settings page when I stopped at a light tho, not sure if that has any use. Is there a thread or something around here specific to Puerto Rico? Just joined and I'm a bit lost, I don't mind putting in a donation for the member's zones if that's where it's at... Just curious if there's a lot of other members from PR around here.
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