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    Puerto Rico
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  1. Isn't part of Sprint's backhaul there routed thru Puerto Rico? Dunno, I rarely notice that on my phone. In fact, sometimes it's the opposite... Certain video sites or apps that won't work on home broadband because I'm outside the US will work on my phone, which is nice.
  2. Huh, did all the Puerto Rico members disappear from this thread? Sorry, I haven't kept up with it at all but I popped in and skimmed a few pages back and there seemed to be no talk about PR. I imagine it decreased a lot after a few months past the main LTE deployment, for my part I just got busy and I wasn't seeing any LTE action in my immediate vicinity anyway, that finally changed the last month or two and the San Patricio area or the neighborhoods right between Bayamon and Guaynabo finally seem to be up to par with other areas on the island. Anyway, the reason I REALLY came running back to the thread was to ask whether the eCSFB issue with LTE on the Nexus 5 affects Puerto Rico... I'm ashamed to say I bought a Nexus 5 the day it went on sale, received it last Wednesday ahead of schedule (projected delivery was Friday), picked up a SIM in store last Thursday without too much trouble (employee was clueless but still nice and we got thru it), and YET I still haven't found the time to activate the damn thing. I wanna unlock the bootloader first and do a couple other things, plus I've been swamped with work, then I became aware of that eCSFB issue and thought I'd ask. I'll probably be firing it up tonight or tomorrow so I guess I'll find out one way or the other soon enough.
  3. Switching to the new My Way plan seems pointless and even detrimental to me as long as I'm rocking a single line... You'd generally pay the same either way ($70+$10 or $50+$30), but I have a 23% student discount that only applies to the base plan. It works on the $70 portion right now, guessing it'd work on the $50 with the new plans (and thus it'd be a smaller discount by about $4). Regardless of that, there's no real incentive to switch anyway is there? I don't even know how many minutes the new basic plan has but I've got 450 + like a random 700 bonus and with Amy Mobile I hardly use any of it. I guess tethering is cheaper now but I'm rooted anyway so... I'm not complaining btw, just saying nothing's really changed for those with a single line. I'm glad they realigned the plans and boosted their cost advantage on multi-line plans against AT&T/VZW tho... That new unlimited guarantee is also pretty encouraging. I'm traveling to Maryland next week, I doubt LTE's made it to the area I'll be staying in but I look forward to checking it out around the Baltimore/DC area and comparing coverage against PR (where it's still very spotty around Guaynabo).
  4. So make the switch already and stop spreading so much negativity, it accomplishes nothing. I switched to Sprint from AT&T about three years ago now. I was extremely unhappy with their non existent Android smartphone selection (at the time, they had like one low end Moto model and the Nexus One off Google's store) and I didn't like the direction their data plans and policies were going (throttling, threatening customers over suspicious of tethering, etc); I had also experienced several extremely awful cases of bad CS (reps messing up my account/plan for no reason, etc.). I've been pretty happy with Sprint, but if they were to raise their prices significantly and/or cap my data use then I'd probably consider switching again (AT&T, Tmo, who knows). Heck I was ready to do it if I didn't see any LTE progresses thru the first half of this year, thankfully they came thru. There's nothing wrong with switching carriers if you aren't getting what you want or need, if more people did it the market would probably be more competitive. Sitting there and complaining without adding any pertinent info to the discussion just annoys others though, just like your cute little slang or w/e. Guess that nah gonna happen eh, trollin be easy...
  5. Yeah, same, I guess that's the intended goal when you write like you're a pre-teen and you add lolol at the end of every other sentence tho... But it's getting kinda tiring, pretty detrimental to the thread IMO. On-topic, LTE around the San Patricio area is still pretty hit-or-miss... Seems like sometimes my EVO LTE will connect immediately at some spots and not at all in other occasions.
  6. Yeah, it sounds totally counter intuitive to suggest that a larger cable co monopoly has actually improved things, but it has (so far...). The only thing I can really take away from that is that Onelink/Adelphia management were a bunch of idiots. Liberty turned thingsaround for them ridiculously quick.
  7. PR hasn't had "way better" broadband speeds for years...Maybe certain less populated parts of the island in the south/west had marginally better speeds, but the general metro area had been stuck with similar 500Kbps-5Mbps broadband options for a long time... It started to turn within the last year or so, but Claro's fiber option is still only available in a few select areas. Thankfully the cable internet bandwith caps are gone (tho I would've happily settled for a cap that wasn't as unfair as 40GB) and they're offering up to 20MBps. I think PR has actually gone thru a lot of the same backhaul issues, and not just for wireless. Hang in there, it'll get better eventually!
  8. Luis, is that an actual LTE signal meter on your notification bar? I thought the only way to truly check LTE signal was to jump into the diagnostic dialer menu...
  9. Yeah I get the echo too miguel, and that's all I hear, weird... What could possibly affect Airaves like that? My calls go thru just fine once I unplug it so Sprint must be screwing up calls routed over Airaves/broadband somehow. Couldn't some sort of traffic shaping/QoS on the DSL provider's part cause it tho? I just automatically jump to blaming them since I've had issues in the past where call audio gets corrupted/garbled during longer calls, was certain that was my broadband's fault, rather tired of the DSL really. Having the Airave unplugged is a drag, drains my battery faster if I happen to leave the phone sitting in a corner of the house with weak/borderline signal.
  10. I've had a similar issue with my Airave, where I'll be able to initiate a call but it won't give a tone on my end nor can I hear the call recipient, but they can hear me just fine... I've just chalked it up to my crappy DSL, been leaving the Airave unplugged recently due to it.
  11. Did they enable LTE on that cell site that's atop a building next to a Domino's and a Total on the carretera #2? The one that's near Caparra Club... Seems like they did, I think that's the closest cell site to my house in Tintillo and I'm now getting LTE inside the house (whereas before I only got LTE while standing outside). Guess I'll find out when I drive out later, so far there's been no LTE so far around that general area (drive towards Bayamon or towards San Patricio and it picks back up tho).
  12. Pretty darn good price for a phone that's barely a month old... Although it's worth noting that it's not exactly hard to dodge the activation fee at Sprint. I've never been charged activation when buying thru Wirefly even tho it should've been charged, and I've also heard it's pretty easy to just call Sprint (maybe try going directly to the retention dpt) to complain about the fee and give them the whole loyal customer spiel... They'll usually give you a credit for it, heck that even works on AT&T (told my mother it was worth a shot when she got the One X and it totally worked). Might be something your sister can try, although even if she gets the credit it'll still be a $70 difference... Didn't anyone here sign up for that HTC offer where they'd give you $100 back after mailing your One proof of purchase along with your old smartphone? I didn't read the fine print but it seems you could've stacked it with any of these recent offers, provided you had an older phone; something like the EVO LTE or SGS3 is probably still worth over $100 used, but anything older is probably not. CompUSA's been selling phones in PR too and I think they'll match printed offers (or was that Radio Shack? I forget) Usually everyone has phones cheaper than the carrier stores after a month or two, the One was already down to $150 or $160 at Costco two weeks ago... Your sister didn't shop around much.
  13. Getting an LTE signal inside the movie theater at San Patricio, yay.
  14. My phone found an LTE connection while eating at the Taco Bell outside San Patricio tonight, first time I've had LTE anywhere near there... I spazzed and forgot to test it or look up any info before I started driving back home tho, it dropped once I was on the #2 and driving towards Bayamon. At least it seems they're finally working the area. I'll probably check if the signal reaches inside the mall tomorrow.
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