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Everything posted by LSA60

  1. What would your explanation be for the other 2 posters who don't appear to have a GNex - one appears to be using an S3 and the other an Evo4G
  2. I actually get crappy 3G service at my house - always use WiFi when I'm home. I am hoping 4G will be better!
  3. Robert, or anyone who might know - can we expect the area covered by an already active tower to expand? Specifically, I am asking about the tower on the east hill of Kent, which was one of the first to go "live". I live about 4 blocks outside of the area currently covered and I am wondering if I will need to wait for a newer tower to be activated before I will get 4G at my house.
  4. Picked up LTE for the first time from the site on 208th in Kent. I live about 4 blocks southwest of the southern most coverage area according to Sensorly, so haven't ever been able to connect from home Needed to go north towards Fairwood today, though, and was connected to LTE for most of the drive there and back home - until about 2 blocks from my house, where I was sad to see the signal drop back to 3G.
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