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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by dnwk

  1. Ingress 是个减肥的好工具

  2. RT @xxdesmus: When Aaron Swartz Spoofed MAC Address, It Proved He Was A Criminal; When Apple Does It, It's Good For Everyone https://t.co/2…

  3. Ok. Build a MySQL Cluster

  4. RT @TheEconomist: Politicians have never had access to so much data: how come their debates are so sterile? http://t.co/ZRyYcosbew http://t…

  5. Looks like there is a huge shortcut for customize Summon2 and yet nobody has discover it

  6. RT @kegns: ——东哥我线路老丢包怎么办啊——包在我身上——东哥你为什么要这么做啊。。#段子

  7. Lost Something? Coin sized tracking device helps you find it! Get yours free at http://t.co/YL4T29N7l8 http://t.co/3WapS3wWtQ via @phonehalo

  8. RT @tingFTW: Can we buy you a drink? Verizon + AT&T customers, get a $5 @Starbucks gift card just for calculating your savings! http://t.co…

  9. RT @air1radio: Next time you are stuck in traffic, turn up Air1 real loud and roll down your windows. We call this “Traffic jam evangelism”…

  10. 中国是不是可以买一些bitcoins来做外汇储备啊

  11. RT @kj52: The new IOS 7 software is equal to Florida: nice to experience but the bugs will drive u insane... http://t.co/68O1bOTXb9

  12. Android 4.4的植入广告。。。。

  13. 台上演讲的题目叫做web technology and user engagement 台下看到一个听众在做刺绣。 甄缳传里面的那种刺绣。。。。。


    #SuperBowl Is the power out?

  15. I'm using NFC Task Launcher by @tagstand to automate my life. Check it out on your Android phone: http://t.co/hDRGQPwE

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