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Status Updates posted by dnwk

  1. RT @karinfischer: The Spy Who Wasn't: The US gov't said this professor was a spy for China. Then it dropped the charges: https://t.co/lxaqd…

  2. RT @sambowne: IPv6 Exhaustion Counter--2016 Update https://t.co/Ey4rnoZLPy ty @Joydisee cc: @ehorley

  3. 微软给安卓做的 arrow桌面实在很棒

  4. Project FI 回国免费漫游,自带 VPN

  5. 为什么PHP5之后 就 直接是PHP7了

  6. RT @isphp7outyet: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! #php7https://t.co…

  7. RT @tomstafford: Startup idea: article-personalised CAPTCHAs which ask questions ensuring you've read the article before being allowed to c…

  8. 图书馆的Director居然知道要 PGP 全盘加密。。。。好先进啊

  9. once you done nortorious thing. You'll never come clean. "Microsoft spent lobbying to get this included in the TPP" https://t.co/S9s7NDcf9t

  10. Listened to JANIS JOPLIN Mercedes Benz 430202738 on RingPlus. #ringplusmobile

  11. Post as Required: FYI #ringplus gives cell service 4 free. Please re-tweet to support the free movement #dontgetmilked

  12. RT @pufei: 快讯:根据当地法律法规部分搜索结果未显示接见了404 not found 网站负责人 http://t.co/ByqbdKZVxC

  13. RT @upsuperx: 赛门铁克解雇了几个员工就了事了……?CNNIC一定想,早知如此临时工还不是要多少有多少(

  14. Why @kl_support is doing MITM when I visit Paypal? It show up as using Kaspersky Personal Root Certificate which is not Paypal @kaspersky

  15. Equinix的股价还挺牛的

  16. 今天推上面被CloudFlare和百度刷屏了

  17. 买了 Equinix的股票

  18. RT @kj52: A friend of mine changed his profile pic to a rainbow cuz he thought he was supporting skittles... I need new friends

  19. RT @NerdUno: Comcast's Congressional Lackeys Want to Shut Down Govt to Kill Net Neutrality http://t.co/g7TlHgKZxr #NetNeutrality #Comcast

  20. RT @bpmilne: Think less about bitcoin and think more about the blockchain as a type of database that lives forever... That is free...

  21. RT @wzyboy: 「俄罗斯有什么特产?」「Nginx?」「这次去俄罗斯买点什么回来呢?」「Steam 游戏?」

  22. RT @eastdakota: Wow. Must be REALLY cold in SF. http://t.co/eaM5C9LWJI

  23. Made with Bamboo LoopWalla Walla, United States May 16, 2015 11:58 PM http://t.co/PE6Z3IFexy

  24. RT @librarypower: John Greer, Chair of @elunaorg Steering Committee wins "Most Attendees Featured in One Selfie" award! #ELUNA2015 http://t…

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