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Everything posted by grumpwagon

  1. Yeah, knowing (nearly) all of the Madison equipment is installed makes a late November date hard to swallow. Still, I guess that's my own dumb fault for following all this so closely. On the bright side, it has prevented (well ok, delayed) me from spending a bunch of money on a new phone. Still torn between a G2 with GPE/CM or a N5.
  2. There are guys on the FH tower right now finishing up. EDIT: Pictures attached. EDIT 2: It's now almost 4 PM, and raining, and they're still up there. Crappy day to be on the tower.
  3. Went home early today, but I'm almost sure I saw someone up there working on it 3 hours or so ago.
  4. It figures the day I actually do work all afternoon instead of looking out the window at the tower is the day they work on it.
  5. No active work on the FH tower as of about 1/2 hour ago. There has clearly been some work done, and there is equipment on the ground as mmark said before, but I couldn't see anything on the tower itself. Here are some pictures, maybe someone more experienced will notice something I didn't. http://imgur.com/a/FUIzL
  6. I never go in that direction. I live just south of the West Wash tower, and work right by that Fish Hatch tower. I'll get pictures of the FH tower if you don't.
  7. Yeah, they were there working on Friday evening too.
  8. Couldn't get a picture, but there was a crane working on the west Washington tower in Madison just now
  9. Yeah, I went and looked at it today, and you're right, those grey boxes are definitely not RRUs.
  10. If you get a chance, can you take a look at the lower rack of the tower by the beltline at Fish Hatchery? I haven't been able to get pictures, but the lowest rack looks like it might have the grey RRU boxes on them. I'll try to take pictures next time I go by.
  11. I went and looked at those about an hour ago today. I compared them to the pictures I took at the start of the month. There were definitely temp crane mounts on the building, but apart from that, nothing visibly changed. Obviously, they could have moved some equipment to a non-visible part of the roof without me noticing, but there were definitely no new panels.
  12. That's my home tower, so I'll head over there if I get a chance. My free time has been a lot more restricted lately though, so if someone else has time, don't let me stop you.
  13. If you or him have some time, you should head out there and take some pictures. There's only 2 towers it could be, and based on the signal strength he got, it should be easy to determine which one it is.
  14. Cool, thanks for the help. I'm hoping for the one on the apartment building, but it's pretty clear no one has done anything with that yet. Oh well, coming soon I'm sure.
  15. So I wanted to take a bike ride today. Figured I'd go take pictures of the 3 closest towers to me in Madison. I've never done this before, so I'm not great at spotting new equipment. Any help would be appreciated. Album here: http://imgur.com/a/jrHoT The first 3 pictures are from an apartment building just south of campus on Park St (this was hard to find at first). Looks like old equipment. I imagine the cabinets are on the roof, because I couldn't find them. The next 8 pictures are from the Fish Hatch/Beltline tower. There were so many things up there, I couldn't tell what anything was. I couldn't tell if those cabinets (3rd and 4th pictures) were old, and I couldn't get any closer/other angles. The last 3 are 2 different angles of the McKee Rd tower.
  16. According to the new map update there is a tower along the beltline in Madison accepted as of yesterday (I hope this is vague enough for the public forums), and another one in progress. Has anyone been out to test those yet? I would, but I'm still on a WiMax device until LTE is more prevalent. Whether or not they're broadcasting yet, it's exciting to see work actually being done within the city limits!
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