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Posts posted by jmuskratt

  1. So, I didn't know that the Broadmoor site was turned on until I got to Baton Rouge Friday night, and was most upset that I'd be delayed from mapping it for days. After seeing at least one BR tower on, I'm so going on there right now to get me some data points (and site ids if I can manage).

  2. Just a note, the purple signal up Gentilly Blvd across the industrial canal onto Chef is from146. That big blob of dark purple at Louisa and Chef is not real (or at least wasn't on that strong yesterday). I picked up a surprise signal at Elysian Fields and Gentilly, and again at Gentilly and Broad. I wasn't able to pull up the LTE engineering (damn non-self-driving car) to see what site..but it seems kind of far to be 146.


    I also drove up Canal and lost signal before Bourbon..but I think with the averaging it's starting to step on that falsely strong mapping of dark purple that far from the river. As it was bugging me, I also filled in some of that hole in Woldenberg park near the Aquarium.


    Had Sensorly going on Poydras toward the river starting from Broadmoor, but didn't pick up anything until around Camp. Much like my plots at the Court (and all that stuff on I-10), elevation counts.


    Christ, I'm a nerd.

  3. And from the Dev at Sensorly if multiple reports come in from the same area, the system will average them out. So the more people that map the area that might be incorrect the better.


    Not sure if everyone knows but with Sensorly, make sure you check your Details screen in Sensorly and your points upload before closing the app otherwise they will just sit on your phone.


    It's apparently doing that right now, and averaging out my recent Canal travels. Still 484, and crazy weak. Just sent another couple hundred, including Dauphine and Canal, so those should be up soon.


    A problem I see, however, is that it's so hard to get a signal on Canal, it's hard to get data to average against that "strong signal."

  4. Yeah that is the same serving cell as the Purple around the River. Muskratt sent me both LTE Engineering screen shots. The most recent one in his office was at -115dbm.


    Just got back from Canal and was getting -115 or worse from St. Charles to Magazine (getting stronger going toward river). It only really picked up 4G while I was on the "American" side of Canal, line-of-signt to the ferry terminal. Will try going farther up, but that strong purple ain't dere no more. Carried it weakly until I got to Chartres and Iberville.

  5. I'm actually getting weak 4G at my desk and in very specific spots around the building. While it's the same site I was pulling signal off of on Friday, I wasn't getting any of it in my office then. Speed tests are around the 1.5mbps range.


    I'll go walk down to Canal at some point today to see if I can get some of that signal as well.

  6. De-lurking to report that the Woldenberg Park stuff was me, and that I was getting zero signal on the fourth floor of my office building in the heart of the FQ. (I'm the lone mid-quarter green dot on the Wimax map). I'm running a stock LG OG, and it seemed like the signal completely died when I crossed Decatur going back to the office. On the drive home it held on until just crossing Canal. Zero signal on lower Poydras.


    Unfortunately, the Canal signal was discovered after I left work, otherwise I would have walked down to check it out.


    Glad to see there are others are crazy as I about mapping this signal. I'm a guy who took his dog on a walk around the CBD one Saturday to map the Wimax.

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