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S4GRU Member
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Profile Information

  • Phones/Devices
    EVO 4G LTE
  • Gender
  • Location
    Detroit, MI
  • Here for...
    4G Information

nmamo's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. You'd think a phone with LTE in the name would be good at, you know, picking up an LTE signal...oh well, at least this EVO actually has a 4G signal to pick up this time around (unlike my OG EVO).
  2. I tried to do a bit of mapping in Ferndale but had a hard time holding an LTE signal. The 9 Mile and Hilton site is definitely not up, but the 696/75 one seems to be (although I drove right next to it on the 75N to 696W ramp and stayed on 3G). My LTE drops as soon as I go south of 9 Mile on the 75 service drive...the tower is only a mile away, is LTE range really that limited?
  3. I noticed that yesterday too and mapped as well. I'm wondering where it's coming from...judging by what's on Sensorly it doesn't look like the tower at the 75/696 interchange.
  4. No luck getting LTE in Royal Oak today. Cycled airplane mode but nothing. Drove by the Gratiot tower on my way home from SCS and picked it up fine. LTE hunting is fun and all, but I'll happy when I can just take 4G speeds for granted.
  5. Good day for me to be at home with a sick kid...I guess we're going for a drive! I'm guessing it's the tower at 75 and 696?
  6. I drove by the accepted site at 9 Mile and Gratiot last night in hopes of popping my phone's 4g cherry, but got no LTE (and mediocre 3g speeds to boot...~700k up/down). ps. normally I'm thrilled with 700 down, but I was hoping for more from a NV tower...
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