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Status Updates posted by kencon06

  1. RT @mmorse1017: Video: Q&A With The Cast of Black Lagoon- Part 4/5 http://t.co/XQZmkuQc67

  2. The more I see the Twidiots still supporting Bieber, the more I feel they have a mental disorder and need electroshock. #realtalk

  3. How did Clone Wars get 740k viewers that late and then significantly dropped off around 530?

  4. I can already tell this is going to be the summer of half assed CGI action movies with no plotline at all.

  5. RT @ZeroAlucard27: "Why are we on lockdown?""A woman is trying to be proactive! We can't take the chance!" #24LAD

  6. RT @Clarknova1: YASSS BISH, YASS****LICH LAUGH**** http://t.co/Z0CsUhIof0

  7. Some of the people who post questions on @SwimToonami's Tumblr are some of the most stupid people ever. Use the Internet to research. Smh

  8. RT @Clarknova1: There are only three acceptable colors for a car: Murder Black, Cocaine White, Gunmetal Grey. All other colors invalid.

  9. Gotta love that free AC...in the hospital tho #RegularShow

  10. Goodnight my Toonami faithful family.

  11. I swear I'm not the only one who's noticed this pattern #anime.http://t.co/0rsqTRolSo

  12. So when it CN going to lose the 7pm hour? #Clarence

  13. I'm tapping out. I'm heading to sleep. Keep #Toonami going Faithful. Goodnight.

  14. I've lost count as to the number of f-bombs in episode 7 so far #BlackLagoon

  15. I still to this day don't get how Nickelodeon was able to air Ren & Stimpy. It was never supposed to be a kids show but it happened #90sNick

  16. Spreading the joy of #anime one person at a time. #OtakuNation

  17. Actually make that 3 of them so far.

  18. What if Adult Swim actually showed The Room this year?

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