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Status Updates posted by Da_Goo

  1. Ran 5.72 miles in 42 mins and felt alright. This was gonna be 8 miles but wound up with around 6. Once again, cou... http://t.co/B2XZIuXxTD

  2. My training last week: 4 workouts for 32.46 mi and 4518 calories burned http://t.co/SLQET6Ha7W

  3. Ran 7.68 miles in 56 mins and felt good. Easyish pace though I never quite fell into a good rhythm. At least the w... http://t.co/qtRAUT7HTq

  4. Ran 4.23 miles in 32 mins and felt good. Just a short shakeout to get some blood flow to the legs. Kept it pretty... http://t.co/SOpEBL6J1F

  5. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Foo Fighters (67), Nirvana (52) & Weezer (38) http://t.co/2lO1i6qs3t

  6. Ran 12.4 miles in 1 hour and 33 mins and felt great. After feeling like I've been pulled in every which direction... http://t.co/UZBRi0ciga

  7. Had some strong ass kick you in the face coffee this morning. #woo

  8. Haven't even got to work yet and already having one of those days where everything is pissing me off. #whomp

  9. Ran 8.16 miles in 1 hour and 19 sec and felt good. 3 days off and my stupid quad pain still hasn't completely gon... http://t.co/oNBaN4iMID

  10. My training last week: 6 workouts for 35.74 mi and 4973 calories burned http://t.co/SLQET6Ha7W

  11. Finally got a chance to watch Nirvana Live at the Paramount on Bluray. Hopefully @buttscar wasn't too bored with my play by play.

  12. Just hot off work and decided to lay low for St. Pattus day. Good thing too, some drink driver on Union almost drove into me. #whomp

  13. Choirs is about to rip our faces off #woo #tfln http://t.co/7ALNE3wfIp

  14. Ran 5.78 miles in 47 mins. Easy pace; nice and slow just under 6 miles. Gonna try for a little more tonight, maybe... http://t.co/B11wwn88rV

  15. Ran 4.27 miles in 31 mins and felt good. Remainder of my 6 mi evening run. Puts me at 13 for the day. Good run int... http://t.co/FQR6kOWbnA

  16. June just rejected a dress because it was "too belty." Think this means I've officially got a diva daughter.

  17. Ran 7.49 miles in 54 mins and felt great. Nice and warm 7 miler. major #sweatfest http://t.co/GJzRzJKStf

  18. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Foo Fighters (59), The Get Up Kids (35) & Sunny Day Real Estate (35) http://t.co/2lO1i6qs3t

  19. One of the many highlights of living with @joerod4 : being able to do the line "would you like a hot pocket?" and being able to deliver.

  20. Watching House of Cards with @buttscar and @joerod4 . J finally convinced me of the awesomeness.

  21. You Are Not a Unique Snowflake: Desk Jobs Suck Everywherehttp://t.co/KDhq3U0Dy8

  22. And I didn't know any better.

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