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Everything posted by samer21

  1. I've been getting lots of 4g lately. The spread is nice. Also 3g speeds have been very good. Around 1.5-2.1mbps. Also did more speed tests in Avalon tower and the best I got was 24.5mbps down and 8.9mbps up. Can't wait for the dean rd. And curry ford rd. Tower to get turned on. I'll be set then. Also people who are reporting the Avalon tower was down is not correct I haven't been to that area and not gotten lte there. I'm there a lot.
  2. That's pretty dang good for that range. On curry ford and alafaya I was parked at the PNC and picked up lte only got 1.6mbps at that range. Still beats 3g.
  3. I didn't get anything down curryford. I live cypress springs area and went down curry ford to alafaya and no 4g yet. So close but not yet. The tower I saw in Avalon is incredibly huge so that tower has some long range coverage I'm guessing that's why its out in bithlo and alafaya and lake Underhill.
  4. just wait it out. Its nearly done. few more months.
  5. I used the lte at ucf today. Its only available near the visual arts building. I was impressed with the speed though. Got around 17mbs which is plenty and 9mbs upload. Web pages load instantly nearly on the galaxy note 2. Also drove out to oviedo and got 28mbs and 11mbs. The oviedo connection was solid pretty much everywhere in the area. The UCF area is still spotty as Im sure there still working on it. Can't wait for general orlando area to get 4g crazy the differences between 4g and 3g.
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