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Everything posted by sbolen

  1. Jony Ive on Tail Wagging - One of the things that really irritates me in products is when I’m aware of... http://t.co/H0ECHJUk1i

  2. Patio! Why aren't you here with us? http://t.co/yFh0nv5cuT

  3. Congrats, @appcropolis! Glad to aee you won an Arch Grant!!

  4. I highly recommend becoming a sponsor. There's some great info that only sponsors can access...
  5. I still can't believe that Firefox doesn't support Retina MacBookPros. That's a first world problem if I've ever seen one.

  6. Earned run? Enjoy AA ball ‘n riding the bus, Jaime. We have standards. #stlcards

  7. I have to take out my Blues playoff exit aggression on someone -- may as well be the OK market.
  8. It wouldn’t be a Cardinals season without a bizarre injury to Matt Holiday. #stlcards

  9. If I'm looking for 4+ year old Youth Soccer in St. Louis, where the hell do I find it? (Not for me - for Jane) #STL

  10. There is a special spot in hell reserved for companies that disconnect you during a lengthly phone menu tree when you press "0".

  11. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Ghostface Killah (35), Pretty & Nice (15) & Les Savy Fav (5) http://t.co/L1XEQOIEcK

  12. I love @monoprice. I only wish I had more accessories and stuff to buy.

  13. RT @wimremes: I wrote a tool called SQLrillex. When you run it, it drops all databases.

  14. Raise your hand if you're shocked to learn that Adobe Fireworks is getting the chop. Me either. http://t.co/mY5wG6tiNE

  15. I enjoy all the NV activity in Missouri. Great sign.
  16. Police helicopters over Big Bend to Laclede Station Rd, between Bruno & Williams.

  17. I think there was a bank robbery at the PNC Bank in Maplewood. #stl

  18. I'm posting from mobile -- what app is that? (n00b question - heh)
  19. What a fun track. ♫ Mummy Jets – Pretty & Nice http://t.co/6x6H5JL3UY #NowPlaying

  20. The Taco Bell-Doritos Collaboration, explained - Basically, the idea was a paper prototype. http://t.co/6ruLX8PCVk

  21. I'm really starting to enjoy Apple's Passbook now that I'm actually, you know, using it.

  22. I swear Oliver’s hand has a cat ass magnet attached to it. Either that or the cat *really* likes him.

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