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Everything posted by kevins669

  1. That showed up a couple of days ago; I have been unable to connect in that area. myself since.
  2. Just passed I10 @ city park. New panels and with all RRU's are up. Very nice, the weather is letting them work quickly!
  3. This may be possible. I did not get anything this morning right there, though.
  4. This is good. I'll get a chance to see what's going on there on the drive home. Horrible traffic this morning, so I went around to get to downtown, so I missed it that way.
  5. Passed by Murphy and Trans, work up top is now complete. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxTSAkTvC2B9dWZJSU01UDBSMkU/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxTSAkTvC2B9VzhINzhlWTJYTUE/edit
  6. So this was from three weeks ago, but I finally remembered the zoom lens when passing by. The antenna is a Power Wave... and finally clear blue skies to match. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxTSAkTvC2B9X0VuNUZCTWhmQzQ/edit
  7. Yeah, it looks like the vendor for Sprint and att use the same ones, based on the sites I have looked at. If I remember right, att is on the next tower over, and Verizon is on the Sprint one... but I may have that reversed. I have usually seen the site prep work and all done before rrus, antennas, and wiring up top. If the cabinet and backhaul are really running this far behind, yikes!
  8. I looked through the fence a while ago and I'm sure I saw the cabinets...
  9. That's interesting, the hardware up top has been finished for a while. I passed by 4 other completed ones today, and no LTE there. Also found a Sprint COW on Veterans though...for parades.
  10. All sites in this market are being upgraded, according to the data on the maps.
  11. I really believe that purple is all coming from that one site in Metairie that is live. Not really polluting, but misleading for sure. That is why I wanted to Sensorly off when I was walking to the car yesterday, at Poydras and Loyola. I forgot to, and we ended up with a purple dot from the one tower just discovered, which is quite a distance away. Misleading because it is not usable there. At least we are able to tell, from the few sites that are on, the actual extent of site coverage/signal from a radio perspective.
  12. Great find. I figured it had to be one of the two. I was leaning more toward the one you found based on the signals we were all getting, but they are so close it could have been either one. Well, now I can make different plans for this evening! Hopefully the visibly-completed sites get switches flipped on this week, and we can have a sea of purple on the map.
  13. ...and I'm looking out my window and I see this odd fellow walking around aimlessly in the intersection holding what looks like a wireless phone up high in the air. Is that you
  14. That was me yesterday afternoon. Signal was very poor though. Don't pay any attention to it...it was from the same site we are still looking for.
  15. No problem at all... it's nasty outside. Just needed to know where you were when you got that signal, so we can know where to look a little better.
  16. Did anyone ever hear back from 15th? His screenshot showed -80 something, so I know he was closer than anyone else has been (I think)!
  17. Unless something has changed in the last year, T-Mobile is on the Astor, Sprint is on holiday inn on royal. I have access to the roof, and T-Mobile went up there 3 or 4 years ago. I have also seen Sprint technicians at the holiday inn numerous times, including when submitting trouble tickets. Again, unless something has changed.
  18. All of the LTE in Kenner and Metairie is all from the same one tower that is live. Just went through the whole perimiter, and verified sectors. While I am impressed with the coverage (or at least faint signal) by this site, I am just wishing these others would light up! I can only imagine how well we will be blanketed once they are all on. On an interesting note, all of the equipment at the Transcontinental site is no longer on the ground, and it does not appear to be on the tower!
  19. Also, just a little lagniappe, I have seen 3 AT&T COW's set up downtown in the past week.
  20. I should have also included that it is quite possible that they turned it on (Canal @ Royal) after 4:30 today, or that it was being lit up over the course of some time. I guess I will figure it out tomorrow, based on the sector ID.
  21. The signal while I was on canal was -112. As I drove down Decatur it got to -106. The only one at that end of canal is at royal, on the holiday inn. The sites on gravier, carondelet, canal@Claiborne were not broadcasting 4g when I mapped it out out today.
  22. Which 10/610 split? I assume by Franklin.
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