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Everything posted by james2oo4

  1. Okay. I wanted to edit that last post but the system has been up and down all day because of the tower. My company operates through Sprint's towers (yippie). But the quailcomm's have been down so my drivers haven't been recieving their information until they leave the area. Yes Coz, I did reset the data connection when everything started to happen. I finally got EHRPD around 18:00. I know which tower is shooting out the 1x 800. Screen shot coming shortly.
  2. I am getting 800 down in Washington Court House. I am sure it is one of the towers down here. I don't know which one though because even though my phone says 1x 800, I'm not getting data. It really SUCKS because Quailcomm runs off of Sprint's towers now. So now my drivers aren't getting information that they are supposed to be getting. I'm hoping this is only VERY SHORT term.
  3. Good stuff to know! Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. Good lord... Is that a Sprint only site???
  5. Just realized which thread this was.... lol
  6. No worries my man... I am going to be getting on the ball here very very soon. Maybe as soon as tonight...if I can get away from my damn job... haha
  7. Also, here is a confirmation of this site. I wasn't actively looking for it so I want able to go to any engineering screens. I caught this on OH-38 I'm Fayette County surprisingly. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta Edit: Just realized that the 800 cut out before I took the screen shot... haha. It is putting out 800 though.
  8. Drove by a tower in Mount Sterling, OH. There wwas a guy there on my way to work... Had to come back to Columbus for something... guy was still there.... went back down to Washington Court House... guy was still there...Last I looked, the tower already had the new cabinets and RRU's. I couldn't tell if backhaul was ran or not. I am thinking this tower is getting ready to go 800. We'll see. This is the tower on Anderson-Antioch Road. I think I will have time to check more towers in Madison, Fayette and Pickaway counties tomorrow. I want to today BUT I am throwing my drivers a cookout.
  9. THAT would be awesome... Data coverage over there is TERRIBLE!
  10. I'm going to do some NV hunting in Southern Franklin, Pickaway, Madison and Fayette Couties today.
  11. I honestly can live with the slow data speeds as long as the NV upgrades happen. I've lived with the slow speeds this long... another few months won't kill me, especially if the wait is worth it. I travel a lot and have experienced cities with NV upgrades with LTE included. If ours turns out like those cities, it will be worth the wait for sure. And honestly, you can't really beat the value you get when it comes to Sprint's phone/data plans. I know you all hate to hear this because I hate it as well but let's all be a little more patient. I'm sure once everything is all said and done, we will all be thankful we waited it out! Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. Hmm... my phone has been I'm EVDO A in Reynoldsburg all day. HOPEFULLY that's a good sign. We shall see. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. Agreed. I'll listen to you for now on...lol Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  14. I wasn't able to pick up 800 in Granville. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  15. None at all. I had LTE Discovery running as well. I drove by it twice. I couldn't get a really good look at the base because the tower is so far from the road, next to someone's house.... there was a construction company next to it so I'm assuming this is an old decommissioned Nextel tower. My phone went to EVDO A the entire time. Ran a PRL update twice. Got nothin. I'll try again in a couple weeks. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. Not getting 4G Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  17. I'll see what I can pull off. It looks like the tower may be next to someones farm shelter. If I can get back there without being shot, I'll get some up close pics
  18. I'll detour through Granville on my way back from Belleville. When I drove through Graville last time, I didn't pick up 1x 800 either.
  19. Yes I do have it Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. So the plan today is to head up to Belleville and check to make sure this tower is live. I'll do that around 12:00. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. If no one maps it by Friday, I'll head up that way. I'm planning on going to Cedar Point... if the weather holds up. Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. The fourth one is south of Mansfield... in between Belville and Fredrickstown. Looking at the NV Completed map, it says that one is in the Columbus market.
  23. Awesome... That sounds like good news if we in fact have a fourth tower up and running!
  24. I'm pretty certain Centerburg was accepted on 7/30. That's when I drove up. We had towers accepted 6/26, 7/23, 7/30, and the latest one which definitely brings us to 4. I had to look at the acceptance reports again to make sure I wasn't losing it. I've tried to map every tower I can so far.
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