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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by joeyArr

  1. Somebody come lock up this food in my house! I'm on my fourth plate of turkey & rice smh

  2. Thank you, Jesus for this McDonald's at South Station being open ????

  3. RT @uhsaud: It really annoys me when people talk about how they "NEED" coffee ...stfu

  4. I always get sent out in the field when I'm least prepared for it ????

  5. RT @SamanthaJoilen: So excited for next semester ????????????????????????????????????????

  6. I think I'm gonna see @biggangVH1 when she comes to MA in a couple of weeks lol. I love her!

  7. I used to be so against Pandora when I first started college but it is honestly a necessity in the work place lol

  8. RT @NeNeLeakes: YOU CAN NEVER WIN, WHEN YOU PLAY DIRTY! #believethat????

  9. I want to marry @KELLYROWLAND!!! She can do no wrong on these live shows ???????????????? #xfactor

  10. Nancy Grace is TRASHHHHH #wwhl

  11. Yes for @NeNeLeakes coming for Kenya!!!!!! #wwhl #RHOA

  12. Me and @uhsaud really sitting on BBM ???????????????????? #thegoodoletimes

  13. That fucking color run is so worn out now!!!! There's one like every other day

  14. Shit just got real with that last NEU email...

  15. RT @DrayaFace: Kim and nicki on IG ????????????????

  16. Whenever I hear @FifthHarmony on pandora I can't help but feel proud of the girls cc: @DebonairDaddy

  17. OMG it smells like wet dog on this bus. I am about to puke ????

  18. RT @cthagod: That Papa Johns Mega Chocolate Chip cookie commercial makes me want to make the biggest chocolate chip cookie I possibly can.

  19. RT @cthagod: Chili from TLC still so damn fine......

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