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Status Updates posted by joeyArr

  1. Senior week aka how much alcohol can you drink without dying

  2. Anxious to see my grades tomorrow, even though I really shouldn't care at this point

  3. I think I want to get a dog when I move to Cali

  4. This new RIDOT campaign preventing distracted driving is BS. You can't do it if you're under 18, but no mention of other ages? #wtf

  5. Loving The Great Gatsby being on. Still one of my favorite books of all time #eventhoughihatereading

  6. Allergies already flaring up. FML

  7. My aunt Lucy is the bombbbbbbbbbb. She gave me 12+ shots of guaro ????????????????????????

  8. RT @DrayaFace: Zendaya is too fly. ????

  9. I feel so lonely with all of you east coasters 3 hours ahead lol

  10. In other news, exactly 14 years ago an 8 yr old boy and his family moved to the US. My friends in HS dubbed it #yayjoecametoamericaday

  11. Why is it so HOT in my room??? I can see another sleepless night #thankgoodnessistillhavezquil

  12. Randomly thinking about how Don Francisco scammed my family and I with our 1st computer #shithada10GBharddrive #myphonehas3xmore ????????

  13. RT @cthagod: I gotta stop tweeting out loud.

  14. Let's see what's happening with #BBCAN2

  15. I love Heinekens!

  16. I'm afraid I'm chewing my gum like a cow in the library, but I don't really care cuz I don't want to be here

  17. Here I am trying to stay away from alcohol (and going outside in general) but still getting invites to Conor's ????????????????????

  18. Whenever I use this ???? I can't just do one. It has to look like ???????????????????? every time

  19. I ate too much & drank too much #StoryOfMyLife

  20. RT @DebonairDaddy: Zendaya so effortlessly shits on everyone... this young girl is gonna be trouble

  21. I could go for a nap. That couch in my apartment was not comfortable

  22. RT @cthagod: Dear Winter, I'm over You. Spring can't wait to see. Sincerely Your friendly NeighborHood Bad Guy Cthagod.

  23. RT @SamanthaJoilen: Had the absolute best weekend ????

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