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Posts posted by Luuminator

  1. If any of you noticed in the eastern Michigan post I said something about my golfing partner, my father-in-law, was in th hospital. Well today he had to have another surgery. I don't know how much he wants made public, but I ask if you would like to keep him in your prayers or thoughts that he may make a recovery. He has now been in different areas of the hospital, recovery icu, isolation ward, and a few others. The news that I know I can make public is he has a 50 50 chance he might not make a recovery from the infection due to it being an echanced infection(xdr). Some of his organs have not been helping bring everything back to helping fighting off the infection. I will try to find out what I can release publicly but at the current time my wife and mother in law have only been releasing certain info to none family and has kept most of it between certain family members.



    Ps if this post is against the tos I'm sorry

  2. Do I have to be on a custom ROM to do this?

    You might have to be rooted in the last update to the gs3 and note 2 sprint took away pro write. Easiest way to find out is by going to your dail screen and typing in ##data#, click view. If you do not see prl write then you will need to root you phone and flash the unhide prl write.

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